Top 100 Fantasy Books Of All Time
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It, by Stephen King, was a book that impacted heavily upon my teenage years. It was at that time both the biggest - and the scariest - book I’d ever read and it is a book I remember most fondly. It is always a risk to revisit beloved books decades later - you’ve (hopefully) matured, which has both negatives and positives when it comes to re-reading, and like as not the revisited book is unable to pack the same punch it once did. And this was true of It, and also King’s other doorstopper, The Stand. They were both good reads but this time around I found issues and weaknesses that I gleefully missed and ignored when I was a teenager. Oh, how I miss being young...
It’s a book about childhood, in particular the special elements like friendships that seem they will last forever, days and lives that will last forever. I cannot think of many authors who can capture what it was like to be a kid better than King. He remembers things vividly and through his words allows us to remember the excitement, the awkwardness, the ability to laugh genuinely and hard at the dumbest of things. But it is not all fun, there are the bullies, there is the feeling of inadequacy and isolation. This is not just a horror story, indeed it is less about horror and more about coming of age.
As always with any book, you should focus on the positives first and foremost. As already mentioned, this is not simply a horror book, the scary moments are few and far between and all the more powerful for it. This is a book that allows us to relive the most potent time of our lives - our childhood. King’s narrative details the young and adult lives of Bill, Richie, Stan, Bev, Eddie and Mike (The Loser’s Club) and at the same time bring to life the cursed town of Derry. And to be honest the book’s colossal length of just shy of 1,200 pages does not feel that long, especially when you are within the chapters that capture your imagination and fears most. There is much of worth and value within the pages and nostalgia plays a large part in the reading enjoyment. You’ll like these kids, they will remind you of yourself and your childhood friends, and the fact that adult life rarely pans out the way you’d thought and hoped it might will resonate with the large majority of adult readers.
However, if you speak to readers who did not enjoy It their reservations often focus on the same two areas. Many say it’s too long and too detailed, often pointlessly so. But the main recurring objection to the book is the ending, which I have to admit slightly disappointed me all those years ago and this time around left me feeling rather uncomfortable. It’s not just that the denouement is a bit of a let-down (which I feel it is) it is those now infamous few pages in which 6 boys and 1 girl (all aged 11) have sex in the sewers. It is very difficult to explain why this happened and what Stephen King intended but now I am older, and a father, it is such a strange event to occur than I find it almost inexplicable. And for many it ruins the hundreds of pages of excellent story and characterisation that went before.
As an exploration of childhood, growing up, friendship and facing both real and supernatural fears I still hold It up as a great book. But the ending, and the book’s length in general, will be unpalatable to many readers.
Review by Floresiensis
28 positive reader review(s) for It
Luke Williams from United Kingdom
The ending was quite good but didn’t leave anyone on a good ending. It just had complex vocabulary and descriptive words but not exciting ending.9/10 (2020-04-29)
Angelique from United States
Awesome book, I loved it10/10 (2020-04-17)
Felicia from United States
I preface this by saying I am a huge Stephen King fan and have been since 10 years old. I recently read IT as an adult in my 30's and here we go...This story is an undertaking to read at over 1000 pages, but I don't feel like the details are "filler" as some feel or too much. Stephen King is super detailed in all of his stories. IT was a beautiful story about childhood, facing fears, life long love and friendships, and finding inner strength and courage. There were so many parts of this story that I reread because of how beautiful it is. King's ability to remind you of feelings associated with childhood - fear, awkwardness, love, lonesomeness, best friends, bullies, etc - is amazingly relayed. I too feel that I know Derry and could draw a map of it. I feel now familiar with the Barrens, the library, Kansas Street - I feel this because he writes descriptions the viewer feels they can see. The picture is painted for you and it's a masterpiece. I will say I agree that the particular scene was jarring to me, but not enough to ruin the story for me. I've been reading King so long, you would think I couldn't be shocked anymore, however...but all of that aside, I fully recommend it, it's a fantastic read. It took me a month and I am an avid reader, reading to the detriment of all other things, so..but while this book is a commitment, I don't think the reader will be dissapointed.9/10 (2020-02-16)
Devin from US
Phenomenal, even despite the gargantuan size of the book. In all honesty, I think the book is too short. It consists of extremely realistic characters, a thrill-ride of scares, childhood nostalgia, and an overall great plot, you can't ask for much more. The only reason I don't give the book a solid 10 is because of the occasional (unnecessary) sexual nature of the book, but put aside King's occasional horniness, It is definitely a book worth reading.9/10 (2019-11-26)
Caleb from United States
I overall think the book was very interesting but I feel as if there was some unnessesary story in the book that just made it drag on and on at times but overall a really good read.8/10 (2019-11-18)
Jay from Israel
The span of emotions regarding this work by Stephan King is very interesting. I found the book a bit of a disappointment. Having read several of his books before and hearing great praise for IT, I downloaded the book with high hopes. The length of the book was an instant surprise, and as I later found out, a serious drawback. Yes, I belong to the group of readers who think that the book is loaded with much too many stories, narratives, characters and detail. So many that the names, places and times just get lost in the flood. Almost all of them are well written and interesting in their own right, but after a while, it becomes too much and irksome. Perhaps even more disappointing were the multiple climaxes at the end. So many things and characters that were endlessly built up throughout the book sort of fizzled out without much explanation, or detail, just when they were most expected. The list of characters in this respect is pretty long, but I won't mention them for sake of not spoiling things for new readers. I can't say I was shocked by the bit about the interaction between the children towards the end, but I truly don't get it, or why it was important. In summary, while I am not sorry I spent the time to read all of it, King has written better books.6/10 (2019-09-06)
Rick from United States
A long episodic novel, at times exciting, that mostly moved at a reasonable pace just enough to keep me engaged throughout. There were a few lags due to long winded details mixed with philosophical insights that I thought were fillers, but they were well written so I still felt captivated by King's command of the narrative. My only gripe was near the end when the kids did something that ruined the coming of age aspect of their epic adventure. I don't know what King was thinking when he'd decided to include this weird interplay between the kids; maybe he thought that upping the craziness and absurdity would satisfy readers' expectations and jolt them out of boredom, ensuring readers that the book would end without a controversial bang...but it didn't do anything for me other than feeling cheated, disappointed, and disgusted. For this reason, I thought it cheapened the novel and prevented it from becoming a true literary classic.9/10 (2019-08-21)
Ricky from California
Book is fantastic. The only reason people are complaining about the book is because they watch the movie before hand.10/10 (2019-07-10)
Brandon from United States
A fantastic book with a plethera of great characters, interesting scenes, and fantastic worldbuilding. For all the other bad reviews about "IT", the unneccesary parts you keep talking about is building up the world and characters, and was entertaining content nonetheless. He uses Jewish slurs and the N world to portray how it really was back in those times, as it was very common for them to be used. And for anyone who thinks they write "IT' in 500 pages or less and still have it be good, do it, and email me a copy, I'll give you a review. [email protected]10/10 (2019-06-18)
Steven from USA
This book is a real commitment. I just finished reading it, and I feel exhausted by it. I began it about 7 months ago and have been thoughtfully averaging about 50 pages a week. I give it 9 stars out of 10. I feel like I know this fictional town, and like I could draw a map of it. I'll miss it I think.9/10 (2019-05-13)
Tony from U.S.A
This book was by far the best book I have ever read. I just finished it and it is hard to let the characters go. Stephen King is a great writer! He leaves his audience in suspense and does not shy away from giving the full picture. I recommend it to all who enjoy fiction novels. It does have some heavy content. Amazing novel!10/10 (2019-02-03)
Alexander from United States
This book was just plain incredible. I didn't think I'd read all 1153 pages because I didn't like reading much anymore after school killed the joy of it. I just got the book because I had to get a book and I enjoyed the movie so I gave it a shot. Stephen King is an amazing writer, the amount of detail and characterization that goes on in this book kept me going. It did take me almost half a year though to read , since I procrastinate a lot. I enjoyed how the book took you from classic monster horrors that a child would dream up of like clowns, zombies, and spiders, to diving into all the real life horrors like racism, abuse, sickness, losing a loved one, homophobia, and just plain bullying. I love seeing the story unfold slowly learning along with the adults, what they did in the 50's and how they are gonna defeat the monster. Unlike others, I found the ending really satisfying but bittersweet. Would highly recommend picking up if you enjoyed the movie.10/10 (2019-01-15)
Diego from Panamá
This book is difficult to categorize in which age target is appropiate beacuse if you put for kids of 11 or 12 year old (as the main characthers of this book) the scences of the present part (in which the Loser's Club members are adults) have scences of sex and other things ,that the ones who read the book knows. But I think that teenagers and also kids (obviusly of 12 and 13 year old) should read this book because the lessons that they can carry carry off of this book and how the book results inspirational. The book have some errors as many of Stephen King books. For example: I feel that the reason of the members from Loser's Club to confront Pennywise are clonic, except Bill, who haved the most pragmatic reason to confront the clown, and the others feel like weak (but they compensate this with their tridimensionalitie and how realistic they are). Other error is that it feels kinf of convenient that Bill's father had knowledge of Derry's sewers and it feels much more convenient that he has not even asked his son what he would like to know. But the book in my opinion is an 8.5/10. Im not agree with the people who says that the book is bad because it has a slow narrative. I think that histories like these should have that hind of narrative because that help to develop the plot better and also have more time to introduce the characthers and know them. Pd: If some person notice a ortographic fault in my review, have mercy of mercy of me and im trying to learn english ;)8/10 (2018-12-04)
Anthony from Australia
Sensational. I think you'll find those who say it holds too much unnecessary information and detail are the same type of people who expect instant gratification in life and hold little to no imagination of their own. This book is art. This book delves into childhood and brings up image's of a past we all had, one filled with wonder, fantasy and terrors of things unseen. Only here, the terror is real. Stephen King introduces us to a world where the main characters are are so fleshed out, you develop an attachment to each one as though you are part of their group and with all of them for every step. The ending left me quiet and feeling slightly less, as though I had just said goodbye to good friends. It reminded me of those times I visited my own childhood home and despite wishing to stay had to leave once again. The sex between the group. I think it's says more about those who are revolted than it says anything about King. It's sexuality for me, was non existant. This was a bonding amongst seven young people that surpassed the norm. An expression of true love between the group who had been brought together, who were meant to all together. And it also made the ending, the forgetting, even more sad. Depsite the horrors inside this story, it's a world I wish was real. Such is the ability of Stephen King, one of the greatest novelists who will continue to live through the ages long after we're gone.10/10 (2018-11-28)
Maryanne from Australia
What is the recommend age to read this book?? Hi Maryanne, I myself read it first when I was 15 & it scared the living daylights out of me. I would recommend a minimum age of 15. Thanks - Lee @ Fantasy Book Review10/10 (2018-10-08)
Cameron from America
I would read this book for hours and loved every bit except for the intercourse at the end… like really?9/10 (2018-09-15)
Andrew from United Kingdom
I've just finished it and I miss the characters. I could see the light of the long summer days from when I was a kid (I was 11 years old in 1987, growing up in Poland). The book instantly brought back memories of how we played during summer holidays. To me, its not a horror story. It's a story about a lost childhood. How we grow up and forget all those beautiful moments and purple that used to be very important in our lives. How we can't even remember some of the names of our childhood friends. It reminds me a lot of Hearts In Atlantis, which I consider one of the most beautiful books about childhood I've ever read. I found parts where Mike Hanlon reports sightings of Pennywise from old Derry redundant. You won't miss anything off you skip those parts. I hated the real monster. It's kind of lazy of King to have gone in this direction. I also found the seed scene very weird and unsettling. Otherwise, a must-read. The ending clearly shows that it is a book about wonders of childhood and how growing up robs us of it.8/10 (2018-06-21)
June from India
A 1367 pages long mistake....the whole book could be just shortened to abt 250 pgs...unwanted detailing and unnecessary vulgarity at the end..6/10 (2018-06-03)
Caroline from United States
I abosutely LOVED this book!! I already watched the movie prior to reading it and it was interesting to see how they are alike and different. This book was definitely one of the best and well written books I have read. I will say some parts go into a lot of detail and are kind of boring, but overall it gets really intense and I could never put it down! I fell in love with the characters ever since I watched the movie and I felt the same while reading the book. This book is not only horror but a story full of friendship, childhood, and love. 100000/10 recommend.10/10 (2018-05-16)
Maine book fair from USA
Great book10/10 (2018-03-21)
Bob from Canter
Great book:))10/10 (2018-02-16)
Mark from Australia
I got “It” for my birthday and, as l am not an avid reader, l found the 1300+ pages quite daunting. Overall, l did enjoy the book but, like other reviews in this forum, King included a lot of detail about characters, places and events that could have been reduced. Obviously he needed to portray Derry as a town which had a horrible and evil history. I found the child sex scene a bit off putting but again King was trying to explain the special bond this group had. I didn’t mind the ending and will now have to see the movie.8/10 (2018-01-12)
Elyse from United States
People complain about the child orgy which is very subtle compared to a famous author I know. Clearly none of you have read Edward Lee books. You'll die of a heart attack.10/10 (2017-11-22)
Susanna from Australia
This was my first stephen king novel and after the first three chapters i nearly threw it out the window. Boy am i glad i didnt. I feel in love with the characters the town everything stephen wrote about made me feel like i knew them. I couldnt wait to finish it often thinking about the book during my wrking hours . It was a brilliant story that sent me on my path to read every stephen king novel i can find thank you10/10 (2017-09-20)
Duke from America
It is a great book to the end with deadlights and a giant turtle. The loser club charters were great8/10 (2017-09-04)
August Profumo from USA
It Book Review By August Profumo Its first victim was six year old George Denborogh. His (ten year old brother) Bill had built a paper boat and covered with hot wax, so that it could stay, dry and buoyant down the street during a stormy morning. George, who was wearing a yellow rain slicker with a hood and galoshes, chased it all the way down (splashing joyfully) from one side of the street to the other. But, when it suddenly shot down a storm drains’ mouth, he tried to snatch it with one arm while it was still swirling from vortices in the center, tantalizingly. But, IT tore his arm off—and he died of shock from losing too much blood. Then a few other children suffered similar fates, but IT always assumed the same form, a Clown with Orange pompons, aka Penny Wise. Then two gay men who were crossing their favorite bridge were assaulted in the Future by two anti-gay men. Then one hoodlum threw Adrian Mellon over the bridge, after using fists. Then he landed near a Storm drain, where IT a Clown lurked and then killed Mellon. So, the gay survivor’s attorney explained that, if he ever mentioned seeing the Clown, they’d lose the case. So, the Gay had to cover it up. So, currently the Derry Librarian (Mike Hanlon), who was a friend, called Bill on the phone and asked him to return to Derry since IT appeared to be happening again. It’s finely spun tale about a group of childhood friends that took an oath to return to their home (Derry, Main) to destroy, IT, since they had apparently failed as children. The group of seven friends struggles to overcome IT: a monster. When they were children, however, IT appeared to be a shape shifter: it automatically adapted its visage to coincide with the children’s greatest fear. Thus, IT appeared differently to everyone, according to the perceiver precepts. So, it looked like The Creature, The Werewolf, Frankenstein, The Mummy, a leper, a Giant Bird, or an Eye. This stems from watching horror movies at the Aladdin Theater with Bella Lugosi. Since this Period was 1958, a black and white TV was possible. So, when the friends were Adults IT, appeared to be two different types of giant spiders: One spiritual (eternal, dimensional or immortal), and the other mortal (flesh and blood that laid eggs). The friends must overcome both in order to triumph. The spiritual (IT) had to be defeated first before attempting to kill the body (IT). So, there were two separate battles. So, when the Turtle created the Universe (by accident), IT wasn’t included. So, IT had to create itself. The spiritual (IT) was sublime, courageous and cunning, thus, it was extremely tough to defeat. But, the body (IT) was bizarre, cowardly and naive and begged for its own survival and that of its spawn: one hundred eggs. It was trying to bargain. But, Ben crushed them all with his feet. It’s weaving back and forth superbly between when they were children and when they were Adults. So, you’ll be dying to read the next thread. A Vision for IT Bill and Ben had researched in the Library and concluded that since the Indians believed in Visions after being exposed to smoking logs in their lodges that they should try it. So, they gathered faggots and placed them inside their underground fort to ignite with matches later. Then Bill asked Beverly, if she’d be so kind as to not participate just in case they might have problems getting out. So, she could help. But, she asked everyone to draw lots from her matches, and even though, everyone drew fairly with a single match from her hand, ultimately, Bill ordered that everyone should participate including Beverly. Within a few hours, only Mike Hanlon and Richard Cozier remained within their smoking lodge—everyone else had driven out including their illustrious Leader: Bill. Then when they emerged—a few hours later—they were coughing slightly, but they were Ok. However, Bill asked them if they had had the desired vision—but they agreed that they had—and it was shared. IT hailed from outside the Earth (perhaps, from a different Universe). IT crashed over a million years ago and landed in Derry, Main. IT was eternal and a spiritual being. IT would sleep for about twenty-seven years, then awaken, and commence eating children’s bodies and souls. Bill discovers Silver when he comes back as an Adult When Bill revisited Derry as an Adult, he found his trusty old childhood bike again at a local store: Silver. So, he bought it. Then he called Mike Hanlon on the phone and asked if he could leave it there in his garage. He agreed. Then Bill had to walk it by propping its flat top tire up and balancing it on the bottom, precariously. So, he’s holding it up by its handle bars. Then he used two hands: one gripping the handle bars and the other the top flat tire. Then he walked forward a wee bit at time. So, when he arrived at Mike’s, he already had all of Bill’s tire kit gear and screw drivers ready (including a pump). Mike had bought everything about a month ago, and he had known why. Then Bill puts Silver on its seat and tests the wheels by spinning them a few times after finishing his repairs. Then he tightened some bolts and put a few more drops of 3-M gear oil on the chain. Then he beeps his horn, “Aaaauuuuuggguuuuuu.” Making a Dam Initially, Ben had a major scrape with three bad classmates who followed him from the Library to the Barrens where three children were building a dam: Eddie, Richey and Bill. (Ben had refused to allow their leader to copy from his Exam paper on the Last day of school). The Bad classmates had reaped havoc on their nascent dam by kicking it apart with their feet—and then stomping on it. But, when Ben arrived, he chucked a few stones furiously at them, driving them away—and the others friends assisted by throwing their own. So, Ben drew a side view diagram, with his notebook and pen, how to build a stronger Dam with wooden boards, supports, sand and gravel. Then they agreed to meet the next day to begin their new project. So, they started at 8am, Jun 4. But, their initial attempt had failed, so they had to pile a few more stones between the plywood planks. So, it took about three weeks. The dam was so successful that the local cop, Mr. Nell, told them that they had to take it down, since it caused the sewage lines to backup around town. He told them that if they tore it down (quickly) that he wouldn’t press charges. Beverly notices that her parents can’t see the blood in her bathroom She used the sink and toilet, but she saw a lot of blood suddenly gushing out of vents and spilling out, all over the floor. So, she had to clean it off herself with towels since her stomach, arms and legs were covered. So, she told her friends about it. So, the four boys: Eddie, Bill, Richey and Ben went to her house since her parents were gone for the day at work: her father was a Janitor and her mother was a waitress. But, they saw the mess. So, they helped her clean by buying new towels and then they took them to the local laundry mat to be cleaned. Beverley, remembered her parents having sex once with the bed springs crashing loudly up and down. Her friend explained to her about what she knew about it: “When the man finishes, he pees all over your bug.” Beverly as an adult was Living with her husband Tom who beat her up with his belt Beverly had married a successful business man who nevertheless beat her regularly with his own leather belt. Initially, he used it when he caught her smoking, since she had agreed to quit. But, once in awhile when she had received parking tickets, he’d hit her with it a few times. Then he’d say, “You’re going to get a Whipping!” just like his mother. But, Beverley believed that since her own father had hit her when she deserved it, that’s why she was submissive. But, when she told Tom that she’d be leaving for while in order to fulfill her prior commitments (although she didn’t say where) he went berserk. So, he went beyond the pale of a mere whipping with her. So, she retaliated in order keep to stay alive and to return to Derry, Main. After, escaping Beverly called her friend from a 7-11 from a pay phone and arranged to visit. Then she took a cab to her apartment and stayed there overnight, sleeping on the front room’s couch. Then the next morning, she explained what had happened—and her friend was a Pro-woman’s liberation type (like Rhoda Kellogg). So, her friend said, “You should’ve divorced your husband, Tom, years ago. Then she arranged for her plane’s departure to Derry, Main—and her friend dropped her off at the airport. Then Tom Visited Beverly’s Friend’s apartment and forced his way in—although initially she had dropped her guard for only a second. Then she was forced to reveal where Beverly had gone, because after beating her to a pulp the first time, he had threatened to kill her. So, Tom flew there. But, since he looked bad from his wife’s beating, the rental car agencies refused to rent him a car. So, Tom searched through the classified newspaper, searching for cars. Somehow, he found one, but he had to get the plates for it in the airport garage. Then he asked the seller via pay phone to drop a screw driver off to do it with, when he delivered the car to the airport. Then, when he arrived, he paid the kid $1,100 cash. The Refrigerator with Parasites in the Dump Beverley, had followed one Bad Guy to his favorite refrigerator in the Dump, where he kept a Zoo of half dead animals like cats, dogs, rats. Then when he opened the door, he was attacked by one Parasite type creature similar to a flying leech, with a huge proboscis, which poked a huge quarter inch in diameter hole in his arm, and started sucking his blood. So, he grabbed it with his free hand, squashing it dead. But, the blood that had oozed out of his wound on ground was his. Then another ten vile creatures emerged and attached themselves to him in the same revolting way, sucking all his blood out. Then, for the coup de grace, IT came by with a slightly different visage and dragged him off to eat. Then Beverly rejoins her friends and shows them what has happened to the Dump’s refrigerator. Then they followed her in order to ascertain, where the boy who was dragged off by IT, went. Then when they arrived within the vicinity, they saw a giant tunnel spiraling, downward. So, Beverly, who had her (Target) slingshot in her back pocket, pulled it out, and withdrew one of the two silver pellets from her front pocket, then aimed it, and finally shot at a creature that looked like a giant mosquito from hell. But, initially she had missed, but it had curved back magically and struck its target—making mince meat out of it—at the last second. The First Rock Fight Mike Hanlon was trying to escape from three bad classmates who had infiltrated by climbing over his fences and continued following him out. One claimed to have poisoned his dog. They hit each other with branches and pelted each other with small stones. So, they chased him to the Barrens wild country, where he was trying to shake them. That’s where the friends were, in their own territory. So, they had had plenty of ammo: round sedimentary stones against their arch enemies who were pursuing, strategically cached in pits. So, they succeeded in defending themselves, admirably. So, from that day onward they allowed Mike Hanlon to become a member of The Losers Club. So, he agreed to keep their vital secrets. But, after talking with him, they discovered that some of their experiences were shared: IT. Then Mike showed his friends his father’s entire collection of photos from Derry without asking for his permission, which included the Clown, doing round-offs, flip-flops and double whip backs, as entertainment for the children and handing out orange helium filled balloons that floated in the opposite direction of the wind without casting any shadows. (Bill had seen similar revealing pictures from his father’s albums with his little brother, George). Mike had seen IT in person as well. The Black Spot Fire Mike was talking to his father at the hospital just before he died of Cancer and he was taking morphine to kill the pain. He told him about when he was in the Army and patronized local off base drinking establishments during (Carrie Nation’s) Prohibition on the weekends, which was merited because he had worked extremely hard during the week. He got in trouble for going because somehow it got back to the CO. So, they allowed the blacks on his base to build their own club there. After, we refurbished its floors with oil, it opened everyday at 11am but it was like a cafeteria serving only Soda pop and cheddar burgers with French fries. Then after a while, we had live Jazz music on Friday and Saturday nights from 5pm to 2am. Indeed, it was so popular that people would come from across the state line, stay and danced all night long but they brought their own booze inside brown paper bags (like Canadian Whisky). Then about six hooded gang members with white robes and masks drove there in a white van and exited. Then they lit their kerosene torches with matches and used them to ignite the building inside, mainly by throwing them through the kitchen window. The front door was wide open, but because that was the only way out, it got jammed shut during the first ten seconds, since there was a stampede (about 300 people panicked). Then I was able to escape by jumping through the kitchen window, but I had to be careful not to cut my hands with broken glass. Then the sergeant showed up, driving a heavy steak truck. Then he got out and started to give orders to my friend and me. So, my friend hit the sergeant’s head with his fist, knocking him out cold. Then he jumped into the truck and rammed it into the flaming building. The first time he hit, he got hurt, but when he hit it again by putting it in reverse. Then when he finally hit it full force, a small crack appeared and a few people were able to scuttle out, escaping with smoke trailing behind. But, some were still on fire, so I started throwing buckets of water or hitting them with wet towels in order to extinguish it. The Epilogue Then at the very End, Bills wife, Audra, who had survived the ordeal with IT—in the catacombs, attached to a cocoons’ spun like thread—was stricken with catatonia. But, she still hasn’t recovered fully—even though Bill has grown bald from aging. So, Bill gets Silver ready—his trusty old bike from his childhood days with Playing cards on its spokes held there by close-pins. Then he takes her for a ride. Then when he says,” Hi Oh, Silver, Away!” she finally wakes up from her catatonic state like a miracle. Then she warns him to stop or he’ll kill them both with his foolishness. Then Audra, said, “I remember getting off the plane at Bangor, and I can’t remember a thing after that.” Analysis King continues writing until he’s satisfied with his Endings. But, because he’s hot-rodder, he’s rolling along inexorably forward from his own momentum like a giant wheel. So, it’ll take a while for him to stop because his accrued momentum (from velocity and mass) is insurmountably massive. His descriptions are still remarkably detailed, vivid and refreshing from beginning to end. He’s thoroughly immersed in his topic because he identifies closely with each character for their sake. So, he sees their perspectives and understands it utterly. Then his explanations are honest, profound and outstanding.10/10 (2016-12-17)
Martin from Austria
Never have I been this scared while reading a book!10/10 (2016-10-15)
Adam from Australia
This is a book that can shape your reading years as a child/teenager (I believe I was 10 when I first read IT) simply because it can reach out to those parts of your life that resonate most strongly with what the Loser's Club may experience away from the horror of IT. I have since read this novel several times since and while I can on occasion feel a bit impatient to reach critical points in the novel I also realize that those moments would not have the same impact without the time spent exploring the characters beforehand. I disagree with the comment about the length (which the above also mentions is not an issue for all) as I found that it created a complete journey for the main cast which may have been missed on a shorter page count. And also I was always surprised by the outrage about the scene where Beverly ties them all together during sex, to me it made sense in the situation of which it occurred given that they were trying to create a bond that would never be lost in the insanity they had witnessed and the lives ahead of them. I guess the purpose of this was in a sense that if they had not created some connection (and Stan's cutting of palms also follows) they would have never come back to end IT later on in their lives and what they had gone through as children would have accounted for nothing.9/10 (2016-10-09)
9.1/10 from 29 reviews
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