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Voldemort has returned with his sycophantic sidekick Peter Pettygrew, who escaped in the last book, and are plotting the death of Harry Potter when they are disturbed by elderly caretaker Frank Bryce. Elsewhere, Harry is awoken by his scar burning and the remnants of a dream of Voldermort murdering an old man. Harry is now 14 and is stumbling headlong into adolescence, together with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Grainger. Making the most of the end of another dreadful summer with the Dursleys, Harry and his friends are going to the Quidditch World cup, accompanied by Mr. Weasley, his colleague from the Ministry of Magic Mr. Diggory and his son, a senior pupil of Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory, via a portkey. However, revellery soon turns to terror as the Death Eaters, faithful followers of Voldermort appear and cause mayhem as they cast unmentionable spells indescriminantly. Barty Crouch Snr.accuses our hero of involvment as the Dark Mark of Voldemort appears in the sky and it has been shot from Harry's wand. The forthyear of school begins with an announcement that Hogwarts will hold the Triwizard Cup Tournament and that Hogwarts will play host to two other schools of magic - Durmstrang and Beaxbatons who will also be entering. The Tournament is open only to those students who are 17 and above, due to the dangers that will beset any entrant and the Goblet of Fire will announce the final three, a champion from each school, who will compete. But things are set to get worse for Harry as the Goblet of Fire announces a forth entrant and he is told, although underage, he must compete. With friends beginning to turn their backs on him, including Ron, believing he has some how entered himself into the tournament in order to gain glory for himself, Harry now finds himself a virtual outcast and possibly the most unpopular pupil in the school. This in turn does nothing for Harry's chance of persuading Cho Chan, the object of his affection, to attend the Yule Ball with him. Harry must compete in this deadly tournament and not only win but find out who has entered him and to what end?
A very long but thrilling book from JK Rowling which does not disappoint in the fantasy stakes. I think a difficult book to read in places that may not make it always an easy read, but for those difficult chapters you are certainly rewarded. The whole coming of age thing did jar a little and we all know that teenagers are wont to the occasional strop but there are times when you want the characters, especially Harry to stop moaning and just get on with it. That aside, there are thrilling feats undertaken in the tournament, the addition of some really good, love to hate characters such as Rita Skeeta, more characters you just love like Alastor Moody and just a little bit of romance in the air, not only for Harry. We also learn more about Voldemorts past and the those of his fervent followers, which throws up a few surprises and the Ministry of Magic itself is explored more deeply. A very complex book compared to it's predessesors but well written as always and immensely enjoyable with a real show stopper of an end.
Review by Amanda White
9 positive reader review(s) for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
364 positive reader review(s) in total for the Harry Potter series
HEH from England
Awsome! Best book ever!😊10/10 (2021-12-06)
Anjitha from India
It was a very good book. when I read this, I wished to get selected for the Triwizard tournament. My favourite bit was when Harry came face to face with Lord Voldemort in the end.9/10 (2020-03-25)
Madisen from USA
I love this book so much and I would rate it 10/10 due to the fact that it is such a great book out of all the series it is my favorite even though at some parts will make you cry. But of all the books I've read it is the 4th and 1st book that I would recommend being your favorite. Thank you J.K. Rowling WOOHOO!10/10 (2018-09-14)
Nayana from India
It is so amazing.10/10 (2017-02-15)
Sasha from England
Harry Potter books are the best books of all time. They teach you to be brave, hopeful and believable. Many books make me happy and are really good, but the Harry Potter have something different. The twist of magic, emotion and adventure is all mixed together in the right way, with the right amount . When I read the books my imagination twist and turns and that always makes me happy.. Harry Potter gives me the idea that that could happen to me too, just unexpectedly like it happened with Harry.I could suddenly find out from a giant that I am a witch!!! I can read the Harry Potter series endlessly and there is nothing ever bad in them. The films are good as well but the books always have the better story and are always more interesting. Love them and always will. Thank you J.K.Rowling!!!10/10 (2017-02-02)
Rahul Bisht from UK
Greatest.10/10 (2017-01-04)
Kushagra from India
Great, just great.10/10 (2016-11-22)
Noel from England
This book is an amazing book, great for all ages. Credits to J.K Rowling for such an amazing book.10/10 (2016-11-12)
Nathan from Pamilan
It's been a long time since this book was released and my friends tell me that Potter mania is over. Yet somehow, of me, the works of Rowling seems eternally enjoyable. This book is my favourite in the series. The thing is no other book gives me as much satisfaction as Harry Potter does. There is action, humor, magic and emotion in exactly the right proportions.... So, no matter who says what, Rowling is still the best. (But hell... her adult novels are pathetic)10/10 (2013-11-29)
Swathi from India
This is the most awsomest book I have ever read. Way to go amigos!9/10 (2012-06-01)
9.7/10 from 11 reviews
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