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Blood of Elves is chronologically the 3rd entry within The Witcher saga. Whereas previously all the short stories followed Geralt of Rivia working on certain monster assassination assignments, within Blood of Elves he is one of 3 or 4 main characters that we share the minds of. For the novels, you can start here but I wouldn't recommend it. I found that I completely loved the groundwork I'd put in with the previous narratives and then hearing about the past stories mentioned of which I'd already read such as recollecting thoughts regarding meeting the Golden Dragon and about the macabre events that happened at the downfall of Cintra. It was also an excellent feeling meeting familiar characters (often a bit too spontaneously) that we'd briefly crossed paths with within the previous books. I can't state it enough that this book is so much deeper and more enjoyable if you've read what comes beforehand. The important side characters from the recent stories are more prominent here, most notably Ciri and Yennefer. I'm gutted we don't see more of one of my favourite characters, the womanising troubadour Dandelion.
The tale starts at a safe haven underneath a giant tree where Dandelion and his apprentice tell the epic poem of Geralt. We know the stories if we've read the previous entries but the poetry and the action is accentuated for the audience and is more picturesque, beautiful, and heightened in this form. Dandelion is the finest bard in the land who causes the ladies to swoon, the lords to be jealous and the brothel owners to panic! The ensemble of all assembled then discuss what happened at the end of the depicted action. Was Geralt murdered? Did the Child of Destiny, the Princess Ciri escape? Did her and Geralt meet up as was prophecised? It's a really intriguing beginning and sets the action up expertly. Geralt is an extremely famous Witcher whose name is world-renowned. Everyone claims to know him and his exploits but he's not been witnessed in two years so how much is a mere fabrication to attract the attention of revelers in a bar on a weekend evening?
In this outing, Ciri, the child of Destiny is essentially the main character with Geralt being more of a shadowy father figure who aids her development as an upcoming Witcher although she also has magical capabilities she does not understand. He is the infamous Witcher, Yennefer is an enchantress and there is the "will they-won't they" love interest, and although she's not the biological child of the aforementioned she arguably seems like a perfect mix of the other two main characters.
This tale was much deeper than what had come beforehand and as I've previously mentioned I wish to read all of these before the Netflix series is released. The first 30% is mainly focused on Ciri's training at the Witcher halls of Kaer Morten under the watchful gaze of the remaining handful of Witchers but also sorceresses Triss and Yennefer who are both former love interests of Geralt. Geralt does love Ciri as a father would and their relationship is complex, loving in a lack-of-emotion way from Geralt's perspective. He's a complex character as he's been genetically mutated to be a heartless monster killer but he has extreme morals and will not take sides in any sort of debacle. One persons' right is another ones' wrong and he shouldn't take sides and that's not what he has been manipulated for.
Honestly, there isn't too much action throughout this novel, but that's fine. This is the foundation of what will no doubt be an exceptional next five books. The main drama is caused by a fire-scarred magical-wielding individual who has an unknown vendetta against Geralt and wants Ciri. Imagine if the Queen on a chessboard was infinitely more valuable and in the eyes of the soon to be warring nations this (even though they don't know if she's alive) 12-year-old young lady has a very important part to play. Child of Destiny isn't a title that everyone is able to flaunt after all.
Blood of Elves is very conversation heavy. Sometimes, with players having similar and confusing names it does get a bit over-bearing. Often a conversation will have eight contributors but it doesn't always make it obvious who is saying what so in these scenes I found my mind bouncing around thinking... "who said that?" - "who was that to?" etc? The vibe and the point of the scene are expressed well but it's not always easy to keep a perfect picture of progression.
I loved the majority of the short stories and only a few remain weak and uninteresting in my mind. This seemed like a well constructed but quite safe progression to the novel side of things. It didn't really have an exciting finale. The only event that could be considered as such was a confrontation at the eighty percent mark and then we were gifted a Ciri training session to conclude. This series isn't perfect yet. However, I am really enjoying following this interesting and multi-layered cast. This could go on to be one of my favourite fantasy series. At this point, I believe I've only witnessed the tip of the iceberg and Ciri's destiny and the Witcher's influence is amazingly intriguing. I can't wait to read the next one.
James Tivendale 8.5/10
This review has been reproduced courtesy of Total Sci Fi. The review is by Alice Wybrew and the original can be seen here - Blood Of Elves Review - Total Sci Fi.
In a land where war is imminent and race relations grow ever more strained, Ciri, the prophesised child, must find her way under the protection of Geralt, the famed and feared ‘Witcher’. Holding the promise of incredible power, for good or for evil, it is up to Geralt to ensure Ciri takes the right path and remains safe from those who hunt her…
If, like me, you’ve never heard of Andrzej Sapkowski before, it’s about time that was rectified. Combining traditional fantasy with Polish folklore, Sapkowski’s Witcher series has been translated into seven languages, made into a TV series and most recently converted into a computer game. This is clearly not to be taken lightly. Blood of Elves is only the second book by the author to hit British shelves (The Last Wish was published in 2007) – it’s a pity it didn’t arrive sooner.
Sapkowski’s publicity rather boldly compares him to Tolkien, but it turns out that this is not an entirely unjust comparison. Sapkowski’s world, and the sense of depth, is reminiscent of Middle Earth. And while he includes all the traditional fantasy characters you would expect, Sapkowski also manages to revitalize the genre with energetic and compelling writing.
Moving effortlessly between moments of wrought emotion and staggeringly effective action, to lengthy periods of political discussion and war stratagems, Sapkowski addresses every aspect of a good fantasy novel eloquently and with ease. His style reads as easily as David Gemmel, but hits harder and deeper than his late fantasy comrade. Creating a world that is both familiar and comfortable, it is through his inventive use of character manipulation that he generates a new and realistic experience.
Geralt - the character who established Sapkowski in Poland - features strongly in the first half of the novel, making for a kind yet hard-headed and enigmatic protagonist. The story then shifts its focus onto the mysterious Yennifer, who up until then has been little more than a name. Initially coming across as your standard tough female archetype, Yennifer soon assumes a much more intriguing role. These involving characters, along with the promising young figure of Ciri, are what really keep the pages turning so fast.
As the first of a five-book series, Blood of Elves would benefit from a map and character index as Sapkowski’s sudden (and often fleeting) reference to various countries, territories and characters can become confusing at times. The plot also takes an unexpected leap forward in time around the halfway point that won’t pose a problem for fans of Steven Erikkson or Katherine Kerr, but may prove temporarily disconcerting for anyone else.
However, these minor oddities can be easily overlooked, as, on reaching the final enthralling chapter, you’ll be wondering how you got there so fast.
Alice Wybrew 9.3/10
“To be neutral does not mean to be indifferent or insensitive. You don't have to kill your feelings. It's enough to kill hatred within yourself.”
It wasn't necessarily my intention to read a Witcher book each month, but alas.. here we are! With the 8-part Netflix series arriving sometime in late 2019, this isn't a bad thing. My goal was to read a few books, including the first full-length novel, before the series is released. ::pushes glasses up bridge of nose:: Well, well, well.. achievement unlocked! For once.
“Remember,” she repeated, “magic is Chaos, Art and Science. It is a curse, a blessing and progress. It all depends on who uses magic, how they use it, and to what purpose. And magic is everywhere. All around us. Easily accessible.”
Blood of Elves is the sequel to the short story collections (The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny) & begins the "Blood of Elves" saga, which happens several years before the video games. Even though Blood of Elves was translated & released first, chronologically this takes place after those two compilations. READ THE BOOKS IN ORDER, GODDAMNIT!!
This installment is quite different from the first two books, not only because it's a full-length story, but because the main focus switches away from Geralt of Rivia. Rather, Ciri (who I love) becomes the central figure. Geralt plays a surprisingly minor role throughout.
Blood of Elves starts with Dandelion, the finest bard in the kingdom, recounting the adventures of Geralt from the previous book to an enchanted audience. That is, until a mysterious individual captures Dandelion & tortures him for information about Ciri.
Meanwhile, we learn that Geralt has taken Ciri under his protective wing. At the castle Kaer Morhan, Ciri is learning the witcher way, undergoing brutal training. Triss (!!) is invited to the castle by Geralt to help out with Ciri. Soon, she realizes that Ciri has a natural talent for magic & that it is beyond her capabilities. They then drop her off to train with Yennefer, the powerful sorceress (& Geralt's on-again, off-again lover), at the Temple of Melitele in Ellander.
You probably know by now that I'm a sucker for training in a book, especially of the magical kind! So it's not shocking that I absolutely adored the scenes with Yennefer becoming Ciri's mentor & teacher! At first they dislike each other, but by the end of the book they seem to have a mutual respect for one another.
“When you know about something it stops being a nightmare. When you know how to fight something, it stops being so threatening.”
Although I am enjoying this series a lot & find it almost soothing to read, it isn't blowing me away, just yet. I was expecting/anticipating/wanting these books to be darker.. which isn't a complaint, more of an observation.
Blood of Elves is at times disjointed, meandering & lacking in action. The chapters are bloody long & took me awhile to fall into. However, Sapkowski's writing is just so easy to appreciate. There is something to be said for a simple & direct writing style. Sapkowski gives shape to brilliant characterization & crafting vibrant dialogue. Also? Dude wrote about menstruation in a fantasy novel as if it was a common thing that actually happens to vagina owners. Can you imagine? LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!
Overall, I'm digging the series & will definitely continue on with it! Mythology, folklore, political intrigue, badass female characters. The foundation has been laid for what will surely be an epic tale! I just hope there will be more monsters in the next installment, what with Geralt being the monster hunter extraordinaire & all. Fingers crossed!
Holly Grimdragon, 7/10
Reviews by James Tivendale and Alice Wybrew and Holly Grimdragon
13 positive reader review(s) for Blood Of Elves
Justin from USA
Well I wouldn’t say it’s poorley written I read The Last Wish first and played the games so I love the story line and perhaps that has helped carry me through this book. Like I said it’s not the writing it’s the long chapters and lack of action. And I’m no fencer but every fight scene involves pirouette after pirouette if you are spinning that much in a fight something’s wrong. I liked this book but I feel like it focuses so much on philosophy and ideology when it should have started building the world that the characters are set in but hey what ever I’ve read way way worse and I’m still going to read the rest.6/10 (2018-10-27)
Anon from UK
I want to say only one thing. It is worth to read 2 volumes of short stories first, because one of the short stories is directly connected with the main plot and the ending itself. For me it was quite shocking when I found out what it was all about. Without reading short stories, especially the one I'm talking about, I wouldn't fully understand the ending and even if I did so, I wouldn't be as much surprised as I was, when Sapkowski finally revealed who's really behind all of this. It was quite shocking for me.9/10 (2018-07-30)
Przemek from Polska
Witam was bardzo serdecznie ! Po pierwsze jest mi bardzo przykro , że wszelakie tłumaczenia Wiedźmina nigdy nie będ�... na tyle dobre byście mogli w stu procentach rozkoszować sie powieści�... niczym my Polacy ,niemniej jednak niechaj broń Boże nie powstrzyma was to przed zapoznaniem się z cudownym tworem Sapkowskiego. Czytałem rozkoszuj�...c się bajecznie Tolkiena ,pokochałem Sandersona jednak Wiedźmin to coś więcej .. tutaj sił�... opowieści jest bark wyraźnych szkiców przedstawiaj�...cych dobro i zło .Częstokroć sami subiektywnie oceniamy postaci czy zdarzenia . Nikt nie podaje nam tego na tacy.Nie ma infantylnych ckliwości w stylu ,,Nie zostawię pana panie Frodo " Tutaj się broni przyjaciół daj�...c w mordę czy rozpruwaj�...c trzewia. Świat wiedzmina nie musi się podobać ale zmusza by traktować go poważnie niemal czuj�...c smród uryny czy kału . Każda z postaci zostawia ślad , każdej brakuje kiedy mowa o kimś innym. Moim marzeniem jest by zrobiono ekranizację nie szczędz�...c pieniędzy a wtedy zobaczycie , że brawdopodobnie jest to najlepsze fantazy w historii. Obiecuję :)Thanks Przemek, here's a translation into English (thanks Google):I greet you very warmly! First of all, I am very sorry that all the translations of The Witcher will never be so good that you can enjoy the novel a hundred times as we Poles, but let God's weapon not stop you from acquainted with the miraculous creation of Sapkowski. I read relish Tolkien fabulously, I loved Sanderson, but the Witcher is more than that. Here the strength of the story is the bar of clear sketches of good and evil. We personally evaluate subjects or events by themselves. No one gives us this on the tray. There is no infantile cravings in the style of "I will not leave you Mr. Frodo." Here he defends his friends by giving murmuring or splitting his viscera. Each of the characters leaves a trail, each one missing when it comes to someone else, my dream is to make a screening without spending money and then you will see that it is probably the best fancy in history.10/10 (2017-05-02)
Jara from UK
Amazing read! Read it several years ago so cannot reflect on story as much now but I remember that getting the last two books of the saga was a must! Very well writen with everything you want from a good fantasy book.9/10 (2016-12-29)
WE from Poland
My favourite book series. Witty humor, complex characters, convincing world... I just can hope that English transaltion is as good as the original.10/10 (2015-04-03)
Anon from UK
The prose is hard indeed, I understand some peoples complains, after all not everyone likes to think while reading. Sapkowki does not shove the obvious right into your face as he prefers to play with the words, avoid directness and overfocusing. Read between lines as you enjoy the breathtaking narrative and you will double your experiences as well as enjoyment.10/10 (2013-06-15)
Lisa from Poland
I've red Sapkowski's books about 5 times. I've never been fantasy fan but ever since I read first chapter of Wiedźmin (Witcher) I fell in love with this story. I was 17 years old, now I am 30:) But still love these books. I'm Polish so I had a chance to read all the books and I must that when it comes to fantasy G. Martin "Game of Thrones", Tolkien and Sapkowski are the best! My favourite book is Swallow's Tower (Wieża jask�łki) and Lady of the Lake (Pani jeziora), the last 2 books. Amazing touching and breathtaking especially because this 2 books are dedicated more to Ciri, not only Geralt :) I love Sapkowski's cynical humor, I admire his wide knowledge of languages, history etc. Saga "Witcher" is amazing, sometimes brutal and sometimes surprisingly touching with swift plot and great characters. Even now after so many years I come back to Sapkowski's books (but this time I'm listening to audiobooks before bed time :) ) I wish Hollywood made move based on witcher books :) It would be a success like Game of Thrones :)10/10 (2013-04-15)
Lothmel from Poland
The second book, which isn't translated, explains who is Yennefer, what happend in Soden and few more things. I can't say in English but in Polish one of the most important advantage is beautiful language. It is claim part this story, later only is more action.10/10 (2012-07-18)
Fran from Croatia
This book is great, I would recommend it to anyone looking for something one. I only wish that they would release the second part in English already.9/10 (2012-05-09)
GameOfTheShadows from Sydney
Better than Tolkien!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Visenna from Poland
One of my favourite books, and not because I'm from Poland! Just great.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Adam from Berlin
For me it's one of the best books ever written - great plot with great characters, and amazing world. Story definitely for mature people who can appreciate brilliant dialogues, sense of humor and surprising intrigues.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Cristian from Netherlands
This book was amazing. The characters really adapt and connect to the amazing story. It's not just your classic good and evil it is the story of choices. With its rich fantasy world it kept me interested from the beginning to the end. The story needs understanding which some people might not have. But if you let the story suprise you and try to understand it you will find this book to be amazing.9/10 (2012-03-01)
Witcher from Leeds
This book is a must! Probably the best fantasy novel I have read - and that means something :) Excellent psychology of characters, wonderful world, earth shattering story, monsters, love, war, politics, legends... World, which is not black and white, but every aspect of goodness and evil is rather in different shades of gray. Very clever and with fantastic use of humour. I went through all 5 books in this series and I wasn't able to catch my breath. Excellent! 10/1010/10 (2012-03-01)
9.4/10 from 15 reviews
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