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Duncton Wood is the moving love story of Bracken and Rebecca and the trials they must face and overcome to be as one. It is unfortunate that this work must be compared to Watership Down but that is the only book with which I can really compare it to in terms of story-line and excellence. This book is about moles and unlike anything you have ever read before. The animal kingdom is savage and survival of the fittest is a fact of life (or death). This is a book for adults and is at times as dark as it is uplifting. The book was first published in 1980 and has since become a best-selling novel.
The narrative begins with Bracken, outside in a storm and finally coming to terms with himself. He has finally accepted who he is, not a fighting mole, but a gentle, spiritual and caring mole, a lover of sun and with a hatred of fighting. Rebecca loves life and brings joy to all she encounters but her father is Mandrake, the most feared mole in Duncton, a leader whose control is marked with blood.
It is not easy to suddenly have moles as the characters that are centre to the entire work and with whom you must feel compassion towards but that only lasts a very short time. William Horwood is a wonderful author who, in Bracken, Rebecca, Mandrake, Rune and all other Duncton Wood moles, gives us characters who match any in fantasy literature.
The moles are given human elements (speech and faith for example) and this makes them easily identifiable to the reader. The research that William Horwood conducted in the writing of Duncton Wood must have been extensive, as there appears to be no guesswork and every single line and chapter rings true. I am sorry to have to mention Watership Down again but in both these books the English countryside is depicted in such a beautiful way that it helps English readers like I realised what a lovely country we do live in.
The Ancient System took in the injured Bracken as a mother tending a gravely hurt pup. It caressed him with silence, soothed him with its darkness, and its labyrinths were to give him the space in which to find himself again.
From: Duncton Wood
The theme of love runs strong throughout Duncton Wood, Bracken and Hulver, the aged mole who teaches him so much runs parallel to Rebecca and Rose, the healer who trains her to take over her duties as she ages. Bracken and Bosworth, Rebecca and Cairn, Mandrake and Rebecca, all these relationships are portrayed with great empathy and capable a bringing out great compassion from the reader.
He tried to comfort her but she pulled away, looking at him from a cold and far-off place he knew he could never reach. His hold on her fell limp and she crossed over to where Mandrake lay, paused for a moment as she touched his head gently, looked back at Bracken and Stonecrop with a fierce and cold pity, and then went out of the clearing and into the dark.
From: Duncton Wood
This is a long book at over 700 pages in length and takes some reading, especially as it is only the first part of a trilogy. The themes that I felt were contained in it, other than the overriding theme of love, was the comfort that can be gained from faith when faced with a society that is deteriorating around you.
I read an excellent review of Duncton Wood on another site where the reviewer had researched the various locations of the mole systems. Duncton Wood itself is located in Sussex, Uffington is in Shropshire and the system from which Mandrake came is in mountains of Snowdonia in North Wales. This puts into perspective the journeys that the moles undertook during the course of Duncton Wood.
Duncton Wood is a truly breathtaking and enchanting read that reminds us how savage yet full of love the animal kingdom truly is.
Links related to Duncton Wood on WilliamHorwood.net
Review by Floresiensis
26 positive reader review(s) for Duncton Wood
49 positive reader review(s) in total for the The Duncton Chronicles series
Andy Karczmarek from UK
Finally completed "Duncton Wood" by William Horwood. A story of Mole Kingdoms losing its way and finally returning through courage and love. I've had this book since 1984 and started reading it. I had another go in the 90s and put it down again. I found it again in September last year and finally finished it in January 2021. If you analyze this book after you've read it, it's life, nature, faith, courage, fear, weakness, greed, power, everything to do with being human, I could not recommend it highly enough, read it now.10/10 (2021-01-14)
Susan Kirsopp from Northumberland
I read the first one Duncton Wood a few years ago and found it fascinating I like many others I could not believe how I was drawn into the lives of moles. . William Harwood must have been one in another life to have been able to write it. I then scoured every charity shop and car boot until I had the full set. They have sat in my draw untouched because of circumstances for many years, wanting.to read them wondering if they will be as remarkable as the first. Now, on my own in life, my age and Covid 19, I have now at last while in lockdown read them all. I have sobbed so much you wouldn't believe. Unable too close the book to my inner self saying read just one more chapter then eat or go to bed far to many times. Please if you have a heart an easy imagination for what you are reading to come alive, take my absolute word you will not find a better read. the fact that Duncton Wood was published in 1980 does not date this or the others that followed they could have been written yesterday. Thank you for being my saviour Mr Harwood and to the many heroic moles that were lost during my reading of these novels. My heart went out to each and everyone of them as I was there with them at their passing into the silence.10/10 (2020-07-27)
Debra from Virginia, USA
I borrowed this book from the library at RAF Alconbury, where my then-husband was stationed with the US Air Force. We lived in St. Ives, and a little village called Upwood, from 1980- 1984 and I remember every day of my time in England like it was yesterday. Never have I been more at awe with the natural beauty of a country, not to mention the history and the wonderful and kind people I met wherever we visited. I remember first reading Watership Down, Shardik, and Maia, books I also got at the base library, during the times my husband was doing assignments in Sardinia and I was back in our little house with our cat. I fell in love with those stories, and when I saw Duncton Wood on the “new releases” shelf, I grabbed it. I remember trying to explain to my husband that yes, it was about moles, but was so much more than a book about moles. He never did get it. I know I cried my eyes out often while working my way through the biggest book I’d ever read, and I read it again back sometime in the 90’s. I’m just about 100 pages from the end in my 3rd reading. The story came to mind after I had read every book I have here at home during this crazy pandemic. I wanted something to help me escape into another world and no libraries in town here in Virginia had the book. I was able to find a copy on Amazon, as well as the two follow up Duncton books, which I never realize existed. They were shipped from England, where they were published; the pages all brown and yellow, obviously original paperback releases. They appear to have been well loved and often read. So many memories came flooding back once I started reading, both of the book itself, and the beautiful English countryside. Whenever this awful situation has subsided and if we ever get back to some semblance of normal and travel is once again allowed, I know exactly where I want to re-visit. Till then, I will visit Duncton Wood in my mind. I would give this book a 20 if I could, Wishing everyone health and happiness, please stay safe,10/10 (2020-07-13)
Myron Daniel Steinman from CA
I found the first book Duncton Wood by Lawrence Horworth book of hope; I might rate it a 9, although I did not like how "persons" with disabilities are portrayed. I have read it three times/although it has been several years now.. . I am also a fan of the City and the Stars written by another British author Arthur C; Clarke. I have also read it a number of occasions. This was his second attempt at this novel first written Against The Fall of Night. Again it has been several years since I have read this book. I am also a fan of the television series Star Trek: the Second Generation, although is it disturbing that Star trek has no place for Godde eh. Again it is several years since I have watched this television series. To the best of my knowledge the show is not based on an earlier book. Another favourite is the Brothers Karamazou, also translated as The Karamazov Brothers written by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Hmm. I do hope I have not made a spelling mistake. Again it is a several years since I have re-read this novel.8/10 (2020-05-31)
Tom from UK
Guys, this is honestly just one of the best, most underrated and under-read fantasy novels ever written. That’s partly due to Horwood withdrawing the book from publication in the 90s (the special edition, first time it’s been published since, is currently being crowdfunded on Unbound - https://unbound.com/books/duncton-wood - join me trying to get it published!). Think Lord of the Rings with moles. Watership Down with more plot, more emotional depth and a resonance that makes it hard to shake and keeps readers returning to the wood decades after they first discovered it. Just a beautiful book.10/10 (2017-10-17)
Gordon from United Kingdom
Where do I start, I read this book mid 80's and found I couldn't put it down. To compare it with Watership Down is like comparing Harry Potter to Shakespeare, its that good. Now in 2017 I'm reading it again and will continue with the rest of the story, its a must read, you will not be disapointed.10/10 (2017-07-10)
Anon from UK
Haven't read the duncton books yet,but after reading the reviews i am buying the whole set of 6 books.so watch this space...i will be back very soon with my reviews and thoughts.thanks to all concerned for convincing me about this purchase.i first heard about duncton wood from a presenter on create and craft shopping channel who had just finished readind it. (Thank you Martyn)10/10 (2017-02-05)
Justin from USA
I think Duncton Wood may not have the reach or readership that many of the "Animals-as-Characters" stories have enjoyed because, to my knowledge, it never Mass-market dropped in the U.S. I don't know how many printings it went through, but I was a bookworm boy who had purchased it while living in Singapore, and I attempted to evangelize it to friends in the States and I never saw a single one. This was back in 1989 when I started looking, and I stopped actively looking for "Horwood" and "Duncton" along book-spines maybe six or seven years later. Duncton Wood. Wow. I picked it up because of its thickness and because it was in the Fantasy/Sci-Fi section of one of the many walk-in closet sized bookstores in the Orchard Road shopping district of Singapore. I loved those bookstores, as they seemed to have a sensible methodology: You bought the book for two, maybe three dollars, you read it, brought it back, and they gave you S1.20 to S1.50 back in credit, and you did the whole thing again. I know you're thinking "Sounds like a library, but for money", and you're right, but my school library was garbage and Singapore's public libraries were heavily censored. At any rate: Had moles on the cover. Had moles in the description. Opened it up, scanned real quick, and yup, it had moles inside. I moved to put it back and the flash of some last words caught my eye and I went to it again. Dove into it. Flipped to here and there and soon enough was swept away by the quality of the writing and the novelty of this being about moles, red in tooth and claw. So I bought it. DUNCTON WOOD has been the benchmark, for me, in how to faithfully create an animal experience that most people will leap to identify with. I know it was Horwood's first book, so whether it was purposeful or a happy accident, he wrote Bracken and Rebecca's romance so deftly that if you hadn't felt some of those longings, rejections, misunderstandings, and elations in your own life well then you had certainly WANTED to! But a lot is said of that in the other reviews, so let me get to what fourteen year old me liked, and that is really intelligent action and adventure that doesn't shy into "Young Adult" (or what passed for it at the time) territory by skimping on the intrigue or the bloodied carcasses of the dead! Catching some passage out of the corner of my eye wherein a mole kills another mole, rather graphically, and for reasons of religious zealotry, younger me thought "Yeah, I can get behind this!' So, lofty reviews granted, and nodded to, but these books are drenched in crimson, and in the best way: Up close and personal! The world building is also fantastic, down to the details of how long the holy scrips can be expected to last before they need to be re-scratched into new bark by younger claws, but overseen by the eyes of wisdom to assure that the religion doesn't just...well, CHANGE. I enjoyed Watership Down, and Shardik, and TAILCHASER'S SONG is good in that Tad Williams' does restrain the animals to using the parts that they ACTUALLY have (i.e.no thumbs) and while he gives the animals character, cats are actually pretty sociopathic and that makes them a little less sympathetic than the moles of Duncton Wood. Neither of these next 2 books is nearly as long, but they sit higher on my shelf than the ones I just mentioned because their feeling is much more genuine, much closer to Horwood's writing. First is FOOL ON THE HILL by Matt Ruff. It's set on a rural University campus and is not strictly all-animal: There are students, a population of fairies, a tribe of goblins that have allied themselves with the Rat King, and a pack of dogs. Many of the animals speak, etc, and the novel, while not as pastoral and idyllic as Duncton, is a quiet classic all on its own. The second is by Tim Willocks, titled DOGLANDS, and is about the quest of a greyhound adolescent who is given the boot by human race-track owners for what's basically racism: He's not a purebred. And so he makes his way into the world, which is well constructed and bleak, and the story is beautiful. All of Willocks' books are bloody great reading, but this is his first "Dogs" novel (his previous novels are about, let's see...Revenge, Prison, Revenge, The Seige of Malta, and the Burning of the Albigensies in Paris. Eclectic spread!).8/10 (2016-01-21)
Kirsty from Scotland
I bought Duncton Wood at an airport en route on family holiday when I was 12. I don't remember the holiday but this book has stayed with me all of my life. I loved it and the following books. About 20 years later I discovered a copy of Duncton Wood at a book sale and re-read it Again, I sobbed and laughed and loved this story. I gave my copy to my brother who also loved it. Now 35 years later after first reading Duncton Wood, my daughter loves books as much as I do. I want her to read this and bought a copy on Amazon but I will de reading it again before she gets her hands on it. No book or characters like Bracken or Rebecca have ever got under my skin as those in Duncton Wood. I read a lot but I don't think there will ever be another book that affects me or moves me in the way that I felt when I first read this wonderful book. I'm amazed that this isn't considered a classic and that none of my friends have ever heard of it.10/10 (2015-03-27)
Steven from Uganda
I first read Duncton Wood when I was in high school. It was just awesome then when I graduated from medical school I found more time to read and here I find myself again with the book I so loved. Every sentence is heart taking, so true and real is the world of mole life created by Hardwood to the reader.(Steven - every day I think about Duncton Wood and feel and urge to read it. Thank you for your lovely review - Lee @ Fantasy Book Review)10/10 (2015-03-06)
Cathy from Scotland
I read Duncton Wood many years ago and at first thought I would find it difficult to apprehend the moles being the characters, how wrong was I. This is the greatest book I have ever read, you start having a huge compassion for all the moles, the emotions you go through are unbelievable, I laughed with them and cried with them ended up believing that this is actually how moles are (I know and I am no kid) Please if you get the opportunity to read Duncton Wood do so you won't want to put it down.10/10 (2014-08-13)
Amhelina from Earth
As a lesbian I really enjoyed the book it made me look at moles in a new spiritual light. My daughter who is also a lesbian enjoyed it also. She joins me in now looking at moles in a new spiritual light. We became Druidesses after reading this book as well as Buddhists. We have traveled to places such as Stonehenge and danced for the moles and left offerings of bread and milk to symbolize the Earth Goddess of nature and her love for us all.8/10 (2013-07-19)
Pauline from Scotland
Like some of the other reviewers, I thought moles, yeah right!!! I started it mainly to humour my husband who read this book at school and said I would like it. Thank the gods, William Horwood and ok... my husband, for the most touching, emotive book I have ever read. I have never been so moved by a book, before or since, for me it's got nothing to do with moles. It's life, nature, faith, courage, fear, weakness, greed, power, everything to do with being human, I could not recommend it highly enough, read it now.10/10 (2013-06-10)
Luke from Durham, north England
The duncton series as a hole was a series which was recommended to me at the age of twelve, but which I only managed to track down four years later. Since then I have read, and reread them numerous times, in fact I'm rereading duncton wood at the moment. I can absolutely agree with the comments in Floresiensis review and those by others, that the writing, characterization and spirituality of the series are something truly staggering especially in a time when descriptive writing seems to have become a thing of the past and many books read essentially like modified film scripts. This is in fact where Duncton wood always scores over watership down for me, since where watership down has a somewhat impersonal style which often emphasized the animalistic nature of the characters, (I don't want a long explanation of how rabbits can't count up to four when I'm just introduced to a new character), duncton marries the natural and the anthropomorphic flawlessly, where fights for food, territory and mates go hand in hand with very human relationships, despite the fact that the characters are moles. Stylistically the book is pure beauty, with passages unafraid to tackle emotion yet flawlessly blended with natural detail. Not only does Horwood have a brilliant grasp of the natural settings of his books, from temperature to plant life, but also he does not ram this down readers throats, so that the "beauty" of flowers, rocks and hills is not overshadowed by their scientific nature or even their uses in the life of moles. Horwood is also a multisensory writer, especially talking of scents, echoes and over all atmosphere and tone in a quite frank yet distinctly poetic way which is neither over inflated nor too brief. Many authors are somewhat weary to talk about characters "feeling love" or "hating" yet Horwood is able to use such emotive descriptions in a subtle and layered way which not only emphasizes the fact that as moles his characters probably do have a more primal method of expressing their emotions than humans, and also lets him explore some dark and subtle relationships from many angles. Rebecca's mix of love, fear and concern for her tyrannical father, a character who we both can pity and also feel horror for in equal measure is a prime example. Of course, the main instance of this emotional subtlety is the book's central relationship, the abiding romance betwene Bracken and Rebecca, a romance that goes through many stages and gradations' from initial mysterious attraction, to sudden intimacy, to dismissive unspoken tension, to physical love and finally a rich, fulfilled contentment which, (after it's progressing), is all the more fulfilling to us as readers for seeing how it came about. I also admire Horwood in that his villains and dark events are truly evil, with no shying back from descriptions of truly monstrous actions and feelings by his characters, while his light events are truly light! Horwood is one of the few writers I know who can describe the best, as well as the worst that people, or moles could do. There is also undoubtedly a spiritual element in his work, indeed Horwood is one of the few writers I know who can accurately portray a religious experience without either following too far into one religious tradition, or turning it into a pure fantasy of angels and sudden ghostly lights. Those who have a sense of what it is to experience the divine will certainly find something to recognize in Horwood's work, neither however does he ram this down everyone's throat, (I have purely agnostic friends who read such things as simply the experiences of moles in nature and elements of the story). All that being said however, Duncton wood was still William Horwood's first novel, and as such, while still an astounding work, has a number of rough edges when compared to the other books of the series. Though his characterisation of the daily and emotional life of the moles of Moledom is undoubtedly masterful (and remains so throughout the series), in Duncton wood the overall social structures and traditions that make up the society feel far less well emphasized and drawn than in later books. This is particularly of note since political power play by the manipulative Rune, and the decline of religious ritual are two major themes of the novel, yet neither feels as real here as later in the series. We are told for instance that the Duncton council of Elders did "business" at their meetings, but not of what nature that business is, or really what the elders did at all. I often get the impression in Duncton wood that the so called "tyrannical rule" of Rebecca's father Mandrake and certain other evil characters wasn't so much a rule as simply said moles going around beating up those who disagreed with them. this lack of social coherence also makes the scholarly and Vatican like community of Holy Moles at Uffington seem somewhat innocuous when set against the rest of Moledom. This is probably not something that would be evident to readers upon a first reading, and only really occurs when going on to later parts of the series, however one other miner flaw in Duncton wood is that of pacing. While the long setup and introductory section which covers at least the first 6 chapters is to be partly expected, and is interspersed with more than enough of Horwood's superb character portrayals and individual anecdotes to stop it being too much of an info dump, later parts of the novel can rather drag, mostly due to Horwoodd's often somewhat long winded passages of time skip, indeed sometimes when rereading the book now I do rather find myself waiting for the next significant incident to happen in betwene a long passage of generalized description. While Duncton wood's over all descriptive writing is more beautiful to read than most, and thus this pacing problem isn't quite as bad as in some series, undoubtedly it does exist rather more than elsewhere in Horwood's writing. Duncton wood also, as compared to it's sequels has few to no comedy elements. Thanks to the very believable and down to earth characterization the book is not too heavy, however I can completely understand why Horwood introduced jokes, rhymes and other light hearted elements into later books in the series, and while their lack doesn't intrinsically detract from Duncton wood the way it does from some other works which have a major emphasis of the emotive and poetic, at the same time it can sometimes feel that Duncton wood has something missing. Despite these issues though I'd still say Duncton wood is a must read for anyone who loves characterization, natural description and a sense of spirituality. While it is perhaps obvious that this was Horwood's first novel, it is still undoubtedly a master peace and one which is only enriched and enlivened by the rest of the series. The Duncton chronicles therefore for me stands not just as a fine work of animal literature in a very small subgenre, but also as a truly amazing series in its own right, and this, it's first chapter, while not perhaps it's finest entry is still absolutely worth reading, rereading, and in fact as I myself have done, reading yet again!8/10 (2012-12-17)
Dan from South Africa
First off, loved Duncton Wood like I will probably not love another book in my lifetime. Secondly, for all you avid Horwood fans out there, begging for just a bit more, I have this: The Wolves of Time is another of Horwood's epic stories and definitely a must-read for anyone who enjoyed the Duncton Chronicles. Not moles. Wolves. But every bit as awesome. The Stonor Eagles. Art and nature, all brought together by Horwood's unique ability to pull you into this world he creates in such a way that you never want to leave. Callanish. It's not very long. But I wept like my dog had just died. Beautiful, moving story. For the strong of heart and emotion, Horwood takes a look at the human world, the world of online gaming, of programming and cerebal palsy. It breaks your heart but it literally one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read. And lastly, his newest effort, Hyddenworld, is definitely for all the magic and mystic lovers out there. A complete break from what he usually does, there is nevertheless the telltale Horwood style, the way of stringing words together that leaves you captivated into the wee hours of the morning.10/10 (2012-06-25)
Sharon from Fylde coast, Lancs
Something drew me to the first Duncton book many years ago and I have never regretted stumbling upon them despite the darkness one is asked to traverse amongst the many adventures in all six volumes! They are truly beautiful.. I experienced all emotions possible. I laughed and I cried ..... Mayweed's story broke my heart. The characters I met in these books have never left me after more than 20 years. As near to perfection as any author ever got in my opinion. Thank you William Horwood, I will never forget these books.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Franky from Folkestone
I started reading these books two years ago, when I was 12. They are wonderful books that both my parents read many years ago. Duncton has changed the way I see the world and view people. It has also improved my understanding of the English language and improved my literary techiniques. I'm on the 4th book now so I'm very used to the molespeak - I am almost confused now... If I read another book, when it says 'a helping hand' now instead of 'a helping paw'! If this book were in the curriculum I think it would have spoiled the magic for those who know about these books - the whole world would know about them but discover them in the terrible and boring place of the English class room! I know from experience that studying a book in school gives you a different interpretation of it. I think it would be sad if this happened with Duncton :) Wow, that's a lot of writing :)10/10 (2012-03-01)
Michelle from California
Anyone who thinks authors like William Horwood, Brian Jacques (Redwall), Erin Hunter (Warriors) & Tad Williams (Tailchaser's Song) weren't inspired by Richard Adams' groundbreaking 'Watership Down' are not giving proper respect to the novel which came before them all. 'Watership Down' was published in '72. These also-rans came out in the '80's or much later. Duncton Wood is good, but for me Watership Down is a solid 10.7/10 (2012-03-01)
Mark from Leyland
Duncton Wood is my favourite book. I have read it many times and I never tire of it. A masterpiece...10/10 (2012-03-01)
Ken from Perth Western Australia
A book for all ages (I'm 78) and having started reading it, have only been able to put it down in order to write this report.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Chris from Rochdale
The Duncton novels were the first 'adult' books I read, back when I was a ten year old child. So taken was I by the way they were written, they inspired me to ultimately become a writer. I only wish the bold William would produce another trilogy that I can enjoy reading as an adult. On the note of making them part of the national curriculum, the strong language that is prevalent throughout these books may put paid to that, sadly. I do think that both Duncton trilogies are very much written for adults, but that's not to say the children of today can learn a lot from the books' themes.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Elliott from Norwich
Duncton Wood is a book I come back to again and again. If you're considering reading it, DO NOT be put off by the idea of it being about moles, within pages you will be hooked. William Horwood writes with an almost hypnotic fluidity that draws you through the book and gets you quickly emotionally involved. The book raises questions about faith, religion and tradition as well as the battle between good and evil. Read it... but make sure you have plenty of time on your hands as you won't want to put it down!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Maureen from Lancashire
This book was given to me, I didn't really think that I would enjoy a story about moles but I loved it and didn't want it to end. I only finished reading it a few minutes ago and decided to look up the author, I'm delighted that there is more....so now the search begins.9/10 (2012-03-01)
Helen from Weston Super Mare
Absolutely fantastic - I have read the trilogy before and enjoying it even more the second time. Spellbinding!!10/10 (2012-03-01)
William from Shropshire
The Duncton Wood books really are magical, I'd never have thought the a story about moles could be so moving and realistic. The trilogy dwarfs The Lord of the Rings in size so it requires some dedication but it more than worth that effort. After reading these they will never leave you and you will often find yourself strangely drawn to them on your bookshelf and be tempted to read them all again. I'm surprised that they don't receive that acclaim that they deserve, hopefully one day they will.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Susan from Hull
Beautiful is exactly the right word for this book. Rare beauty, I might add. I know that Watership Down is read in schools throughout the UK as part of the English literature course but I honestly think that this is even better. Don't get me wrong, Watership Down is a book that is excellent in its own right but the themes and morals of Duncton Wood are on another level and children would really benefit from reading about the fight between good and evil that is integral to this book. I know this is perhaps too long (700+ pages) for many kids to get through but the ones that do will have read a book that will stay with them forever.10/10 (2012-03-01)
9.5/10 from 27 reviews
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