Top 100 Fantasy Books Of All Time
Looking for great fantasy books? Take a look at the 100 pages we rate highest
When friends hand me books to read, I am always suspicious of whether the books will be any good. Maybe it is my own great arrogance (or maybe one of many), but I just figure that – unless they are of a special few – I am the better judge of books. Thankfully, twice this theory has fallen by the wayside.
The book is called The Name of the Wind, and it is written by a new author, Patrick Rothfuss. This also had me a little worried, as I am becoming more and more wary of new authors. But my fears were groundless. More than groundless, they could even be called vaguely offensive to Rothfuss who proved himself in his first mass market literary outing to be nothing short of a genius.
The Name of the Wind, Day One of the Kingkiller Chronicles, quickly made its way into my top fantasy series list. The book, which is essentially an autobiography of a once famous now reclusive musician, arcanist and adventurer named Kvothe, is revolutionary – to my eyes at least – in its storytelling method. Autobiographical for the most part, it starts, finishes, and occasionally reverts to a narrative telling of the interview from whence the autobiographical information springs.
The story wraps around Kvothe’s life just as you would want, exploring his journey from childhood into adolescence, and a little of the way into maturity. The universe in which this story is set is beautifully and articulately created. This includes everything from a more academic style of magic then is normally employed all the way through to making storytelling and music a large part of the story.
Storytelling, in fact, seems to be a thread that will soon be picked up in the sequel, The Wise Man’s Fear (to be released sometime in 2009). Kvothe is not only relating his life story in a tale to the Chronicler (book one is Day One of the storytelling), but spent his early life as an Eduma Ruh; a travelling and performing group of people, gypsy-like in their lifestyles but with much more focus on their literary and musical talents.
There are a few tropes found in The Name of the Wind, but none are exploited to the point where you are remembering other stories. Kvothe is left as an orphan after his father’s study into the Chandrian unwittingly brings their attention down upon his family. From there Kvothe must make his way as an urchin, before he manages – miraculously – to gain entry into the University of the arcanist that had travelled with his father’s family so many years ago.
Kvothe’s life is very much split into sections, and we will no doubt see this continue as the succeeding books are released. The second section of Kvothe’s life depicts his life at the University, and his re-entry into music. His love for the beautiful Denna is a heartbreaking yet funny story, while his deeds and misdeeds at the University make for compelling and sympathetic reading.
But throughout the novel we are given hints at the greater parts of Kvothe’s life. The series is called the Kingkiller Chronicles, yet we don’t know which king Kvothe killed or why. His talents are obviously well known throughout the lands, yet he has only made himself known in the city of Tarbean. And revenge must be taken on the Chandrian, given his fervent attempts to regain entry into the University library after he was banned for life from ever entering.
Patrick Rothfuss is, in my opinion, one of the better storytellers around at the moment. Too early in the game to give him full marks or list him amongst the nobility of fantasy, but his place there is almost assured. Rarely do you find yourself taken out of the story, and no serious lack of writing skill can even be guessed at, let alone found.
If you haven’t already, make sure you pick up Patrick Rothfuss’s The Name of the Wind in time to read The Wise Man’s Fear in April of 09.
Review by Joshua S Hill
55 positive reader review(s) for The Name of the Wind
126 positive reader review(s) in total for the The Kingkiller Chronicle series
Andreas from Germany
These books are amazing! I came here 3 days ago to find something good to read and the reviews encouraged me to give the novels a try. I literally couldn't stop reading until I finished both books.10/10 (2021-12-06)
Love/Hate from USA
Don't start.....The second coming of Christ will happen before book three is ever released. But best Fantasy books ever!!! Author needs a star on the walk of fame and a tar and feathering... both...... Finish Please.10/10 (2021-09-06)
Jonáš from Slovakia
Best book I read in a long time, couldn't stop reading.10/10 (2021-07-13)
Samuel Stassel from Slovakia
Easily the best book I've read so far. It has both the charm and thrill of a fantasy story and a spice of romance as well. Throwing the character in and out of various situations and the story being told from two time perspectives makes this the best written fantasy book I've read.10/10 (2020-10-20)
Jacob from United States
I will start by saying I am a huge fan of the fantasy genre, and have read hundreds of series, from Tolkien to Martin, Sanderson, Jordan, Butcher, Brett, Eddings, Brooks, Goodkind, etc... I'm also an avid reader of science fiction and general thrillers. But to put it simply, this is my favorite book of all time. I have never had so much of an emotional connection to a book. Not even reading LotR for the first time as a kid, nor even the finale of the Wheel of Time years later, had as much of an impact on me as this book. I cried multiple times, and I'm not much of a crier. The writing is so beautiful, and Kvothe is so relatable to me, being a musician and gifted student who also made a mess of life. The magic system is very unique and well thought out. The characters feel real, the prose is incredible, and the story is brilliant. This book is not for everyone, as a few of the reviews below me can attest. If you want huge battles and lots of action, fighting, and powerful magic spells, this isn't that book. Its a coming of age story, a story of love, loss, regret, and irony. Its a story that takes the powerful hero archetype and turns it on its head, and adds in a sobering (but ultimately beautiful) dose of reality. Its a tragedy of a gifted boy who becomes a legend but loses too much on the way. The second book was just as good, and I still hope the 3rd book will be released someday, because the biggest tragedy is not being able to read more of this story.10/10 (2020-03-24)
Shivam patel from India
Damn!! What a story!!!! Can't wait for the third book of the triology❤️❤️10/10 (2020-03-16)
Matthew from United States
Can't put the book down. Some people are complaining about how Kvothe is "too good at everything" but why would you pick up a book about "the greatest and most powerful wizard of all time" if you did not think he would be good at everything... obviously he struggles internally with some things but externally he is a master. I love it. Great book.10/10 (2019-12-10)
Clint from United States
Magic, science, love, this book have everything it's great very great book.10/10 (2019-11-21)
James from United States
It's great with very good characters, unique magic system, one of the best I ever read, well done Patrick Rothfuss.10/10 (2019-11-21)
Lex from USA
It's great book I don't see why many people hate it.10/10 (2019-11-18)
Max from Australia
Great book! (Although Kvothe is too overpowered).9/10 (2019-01-04)
Alex from Ukraine
I just want to tell that these 2 books of the trilogy are just amazing. First few hours I wasn't interested too much (part where Kvothe didn't even start a story, just the inn and so on). But when the real story started, man, I didn't expect so much. In a nutshell, now I'm a fan of the trilogy and waiting for the 3rd book. Also, what I want to emphasize is that this story has many aspects: magic, romantic, traveling, interesting conversation, humor and just our everyday sorrows and joys. 10 out of 10, good job, Patrick.10/10 (2018-11-05)
Rc from United States
It's really good.10/10 (2018-08-16)
Andrew from United States
I'll preface this review by saying that I, obviously, love this book. The prose, pacing, characterizations, and story structure are superlative. However, since none of this is new information, I'll just leave a few responses to common complaints I've been seeing about The Name of The Wind. 1. "Kvothe is too good at everything." While this complaint is grounded in legitimacy, since Kvothe has a multitude of talents, it nonetheless misses the mark. Kvothe is not naturally gifted in everything, he's just really smart and incredibly dedicated to study. If he had a natural propensity to sygaldry, sympathy, etc. and entered the story as a pseudo-deific character, that would be one thing. But Kvothe does not have natural talent for anything but learning. The story goes out of its way to show Kvothe's struggles with accepting and learning about the larger world he is thrust into after the tragedy that befalls him at the start of the story. There's a lot more to be said on this, but instead I'll move on to... 2. "Rothfuss talks for too long about subjects that are boring, like Kvothe's poverty." Kvothe's poverty is an important part of the story. It's his bugbear, his foil, the one thing that haunts him from place to place and the ultimate counter to any advantage he gains. Kvothe's first and most important fear is not being in control, of being powerless. This, of course, (SPOILERS) stems from his complete powerlessness when faced with the Chandrian and the death of his troupe. Poverty makes him feel powerless again - he feels like it strips him of everything that makes him unique. And so, poverty is placed front and center in this story. The Chandrian may be his quest, but poverty is his truest nemesis. 3. "Nothing happens." The nature of the story is not one of epic proportions. The Name of the Wind is, at its core, a character study. The framing narrative informs the story by allowing the character of Kvothe to be the focus of the story. So, while there are no immense battles or monstrous evils to be defeated, there are personal demons and emotional quests that Kvothe explore's. This works as well as it does because the character of Kvothe that we see in the frame narrative is vastly different from the character we travel with for most of the story's length. There is an underlying tension to every victory, a sense of tragedy to every defeat, because we know where the sum total of Kvothe's experiences lead - to tragedy, anonymity, and ruin. The battles to be fought are those of a more personal nature rather than the supersized wars that are so prevalent in many fantasy novels. If you are looking for epic fantasy on a grand scale, another "Way of Kings" or "Wheel of Time" series, this is not that. If, instead, you are looking for a story with emotional resonance, beatific prose, and a tangible sense of heart and care in the construction of the world and characters, then you should give The Name of the Wind a try. "Music is a fine thing, but metal lasts." The Name of the Wind is both.10/10 (2018-08-10)
Charlie from UK
Genuinely despairing at the number of people giving this book low reviews. I'm convinced that many of them must be trolls, and the rest are simply, not meaning to cause offence, incapable of appreciating what makes a good piece of literature. The majority of these negative comments cite 'the annoying, implausible main character' as the main cause of their displeasure - let me draw your attention to Achilles of the Iliad (which, by the way, is arguably the greatest piece of literary fiction to have been composed), to the eponymous hero of the Harry Potter series (far and away the best-selling book series of all time - and little wonder, it's great!), to Shakespeare's Hamlet, protagonist of one of the greatest plays that will ever be written: the best heroes throughout the history of literature are balanced by their flaws and their assets, as Kvothe so demonstrably is. This book is a skilfully composed amalgam of several distinct genres of fiction - the Epic, the bildungsroman, the romance - and as such, fails in no respect to appeal to all types of avid reader. Whether you seek a sentimental tale of love and loss, a thrilling journey of toil and hardship, or a provocative fable with deeper moral implications, this novel has facets which should appeal to you. Most striking to me personally are the honesty of Rothfuss' characterisation and the beauty of his prose. Having read a vast quantity of fiction, from dozens of esteemed authors spanning millennia, I can categorically say that this is one of the best books I have ever had the joy of reading, and one with uncommonly high rereadability; indeed, I feel I gain more pleasure from this book with each subsequent reading, as I perceive more about the inner workings of the characters, the subtleties of the plot, and the deeper nuances and themes of the text as a whole. I genuinely believe that those who have given this book 1-star reviews should have their opinions nullified - the only explanation is that they have misunderstood the text entirely, and as such their misguided observations do not reflect the true brilliance that Patrick Rothfuss has achieved here.10/10 (2018-05-17)
Josh from Australia
I’m convinced the negative reviews are from Neanderthals. This is a beautifully written book. Have you ever had a moment in your real life when you’re desperately searching for the appropriate words to do that moment justice? Well this book is full of those moments and he nails every single one. I found myself constantly wishing I had his command over my vocabulary. Also, the way Rothfuss handles the “‘magic” in this book is a welcome relief from the majority of fantasy books just just brush over how magic is done and expect you to just accept it. If your idea of a good fantasy book is 10 pages of character development, followed by 400 pages of ultra descriptive fight scenes, then maybe give this book a skip. But if you want to read something beautiful, you can’t go wrong. It’s poetic, thoughtful, emotional, philosophical, and sits at the tippy top of my list of favourite books.10/10 (2018-03-28)
Rachelle from United States of America
This is a book that I could read forever and never get bored, the pure complexity of culture and all together raw feelings displayed by all the characters is incredible, I do believe though that my favourite piece of his works is the concept of the 7 words to make a girl love you. It’s so much fun to find all the different places 7 word sentences appear when Kvothe is speaking to any number of girls. There are very few books out there that have pulled me so thoroughly into the story so completely that on my best and my worst days Rothfuss' words make me forget who and where I am. We all share the fear, joy, laughter and sorrows that take place. We experience the jolt of surprise as "Kote" pauses in his story from his younger self. In my personal opinion for all that that is worth, Patrick Rothfuss is right there along the authors of the classics and even surpassing a few of them. I take great joy in telling people about his works and look forward to what he might come out with next.10/10 (2018-02-13)
Adam from United States
One of my favorites, ever. So good! I love the fact that Kvothe breaks the trifecta mold. Most contend with the character that is proactive, likable, and powerful. I think the way that Rothfuss overcomes this is absolutely brilliant. In the autobiographical style in which he writes, we are allowed to take the lead role. Now we are awesome just like Kvothe. Also, inside of this character is where we see the most interesting bits, his weaknesses. Now he's less perfect, but more interesting. Pure genius, all there is to it.10/10 (2018-02-08)
Rob from Canada
A very well-written and interesting tale that will keep you up as you promise yourself, "only one more page." While some of the negative comments here have some truth to them the negative scores are an unfair judgement. There were a couple of inconsistencies but regardless I loved this novel from cover to cover and recommend it to all of my friends.9/10 (2018-01-07)
Pranjalya from India
Absolutely loved the book. The setting, the characters, Kvothe, Denna, Auri, Elodin... And the best thing about this book is the prose... It's beautiful. And so subtle hints... The dialogues are awesome and the book leaves you looking for more... My favorite book series.10/10 (2017-12-04)
Lukasz from UK
I have mixed feelings about the book. On the one hand I want to know what is up with the main character with Kvothe. I also find the autobiographical aspect of the book interesting. On the other hand, chapters repeat themselves as if the author forgot he already described something (a place, a feeling, an object) a few chapters before. The book also seems pretty slow including details that are great to read for the first few chapters, but then you want to get to the sense of it all.7/10 (2017-10-04)
Andy from England
I read this book shortly after the second part (The WIse Mans Fear) was released and very quickly read them both. I absolutely loved them. However, I find it very difficult to recommend them to anyone these days as the third and final book of the trilogy has still not been released - nor does it look like being released any time soon - despite it being well over six years since the second part was released. To recommend this series right now feels like recommending a book which you know to have the last five chapters torn out. When/if Rothfuss finally concludes the story then I would wholeheartedly recommend it to any fan of the fantasy genre.8/10 (2017-09-19)
Shereef from Egypt
I'm honestly amazing at some of the low reviews given here. Criticism of the decisions of Kvothe such as focus why he did certain things and forgetting that he was still at a young age when most of this story started. It is an enjoyable story, focusing on a brilliant but rash child who loses his parents suddenly. The pace of the story is slow to start but once you read through what I assume if the setup of the plotline you can't leave the book. I have already read the second book which is even better and can hardly wait for the third and final with high expectations.9/10 (2017-08-28)
Jacob from USA
A beautiful modern fantasy novel written from the perspective of an unreliable narrator. To those who read the low reviews that use the complaint that Kvothe is too good at everything, know that these people have missed the point of the books. We are watching a man set up his own myth in his lifetime, a talented man no doubt, but a prideful liar as well. Kvothe thinks all women want him, that he is the center of the universe and his storytelling reflects this. The beautiful irony is that one of his main struggles is unearthing true information from old stories where others have done the same. This is a fantasy tale for the ages, a story about stories and those who tell them.10/10 (2017-08-25)
Rahul from United States
Reading the previous reviews it seems either people really like it or dislike the book. I can see both opinions as really valid. There is way too much exposition in this book, nothing seems to happen, it as if you were reading A Song of Fire and Ice, and you had to read every page with a detailed description of the food. For some reason though, the story was interesting enough that I wanted to finish the novel. The author definitely makes you curious what Kvothe 's deal is. How does he become the superhero and what he does with it? There doesn't seem to be any really complicated problem he ever really faces, besides the beginning of the book. As everyone has said Kovethe, is capable of doing everything, I guess that is his knack. The side-characters are alright, the most interesting one is probably "Ben" and he is only there for a bit. If you like fantasy books and autobiographical styles, this could entertain you? If you like fantasy books with more complexity and a more interesting world, I suggest you skip it.6/10 (2017-07-07)
Dave from UK
Excellent. I am actually truly amazed at some of the reviews on here, calling into question Rothfuss' use of prose and language?! He is an excellent storyteller and his use of language is engaging, poetic, rhythmic and easy to soak in. The main character many people forget is a boy, an exceptional boy, who early on is established as a quick study who rarely repeats mistakes and has a wisdom that makes him seem older than he is. And he seems to have the best memory I'll grant that. So people who don't like that he excels at everything, I find only half true, he excels at things he puts his sharp mind to, but he still only has the understanding of an adolescent, and the temper too, both of which are key realistic character traits, recurring throughout the story. The first book reminded me of the Harry Potter series, except where the magic actually makes sense as it has 'scientific-esque' theory behind it (which the lack of magic and societal explanation and overdose of 'convenience' was my biggest bug bear of the Potter series). I for one could not put these books down, I laughed out loud many times at characters being themselves and coming fools of situations, and It does use many storytelling stereotypes (like girls falling for him, him being the best (almost like being 'the one') but the story is so fluidly and believably told, you don't really realise until you look back. Utterly refreshing and I cannot praise these books enough.10/10 (2017-06-03)
Bobby, all the way from Ireland
An amazing book, and everyone who says they can't relate to the characters, or that they are dull just lack the imagination required to truly read the story, and not just look at the words on the page.10/10 (2017-02-08)
Xander from Sweden
Awesome book with great insight into the characters life. Couldn't put it down.10/10 (2016-02-16)
Jameson from England
Really spectacular book. If you love fantasy (or just love great books in general) then this is a must read.10/10 (2016-02-16)
Vanessa from US
This is such a great read, Rothfuss Really is a master of words. I've heard this book catch some flack for the less than realistic portrayal of Kvothe. Ignore the critics. Anyone who thinks of Kvothe as being shallow and to perfect clearly hasn't looked far past the surface. The book is a tragedy at heart, and Rothfuss is slowly building up to that downward turn. Engaging read.10/10 (2016-02-15)
Trevor from US
I'll try to keep this brief. Patrick Rothfuss is a genius. The world and the characters he creates are completely fleshed out, and the prose is magnificent. This is easily one of the best, most absorbing books I've ever read, and it's absolutely astounding to me that this is a debut novel. Nothing more needs to be said. That's it. If you like fantasy go pick up a copy, and READ IT RIGHT NOW.10/10 (2016-02-15)
Natures Way Glass from USA
Firstly, as continuously written throughout the reviews (regardless of rating), Pat's elegant writing compliments the story superbly. It was written numerous times in other reviews that the character lacked depth, was the "sh*t" at "everything," or no emotional connection existed. For these people, and mind you they have their right to feel how they feel, but for these people, I feel tremendously sorry. They clearly lack the emotional depth and intellectual thought required to fully grasp what Mr. Rothfuss has done here. This story has a centralized character from which it extends. If you desire 30 point-of-view characters (which works Very Well for certain storylines ~ GRRM is phenomenal) then this would not be the read for you, at this moment in time. Nonetheless, I would still compel you to Read This Story...Someday. Whether Tomorrow, next year, or in 20, you Must experience what Kvothe has to offer. Frankly, it balances far better than most novels. Many attempt to instigate emotion in the reader whilst a major arc occurs, and unfortunately many fail miserably. This story, which revolves around One man (and his supporting cast mixed throughout), envelopes the reader in his love, his loss, his pain, and overall his passion for the answers he seeks. His drive, though motivated partially by revenge and partially due to his inquisitiveness, will carry the reader from the beginning to the end. If you've ever loved, ever lost, ever suffered, ever smiled, ever Felt something stronger and deeper than "cool story bro," then you must read this book. It's a story of a man, not a glamour show of an army, of a king, or of a country. It's the reality of his world, the severe loss he suffered, and how he manages to survive and overcome it. And simply put, it significantly touches on relevant tribulations in our own lives today. Give it a chance, and you will not regret it. Cheers.10/10 (2016-02-07)
Xavier from Vienna
This was one of the best fantasy books I've read in recent times. It made me a smile a great deal while reading, so well was it written. It shared elements with many of the books I have enjoyed most: Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Hobb's The Realm of the Elderlings and Le Guin's Earthsea saga. After the first 300 pages (about halfway) I would have given the book 10 out of 10 but the standard dropped a wee bit, and although the book was still good I felt it lacked the wonder of what had preceded. Thankfully the denouement closed everything off masterfully in an enthralling finale and I look forward to reading Wise Man's Fear.9/10 (2016-01-31)
Darinka from UK
Great book! One of the best I have ever read. I look forward to the third day!10/10 (2015-06-18)
Troy from USA
I wanted to say first that this book was well written. It's an easy ready with many different interesting events. There is a lot of creativity that is involved, and often it kept me reading. Though these are huge pluses when I read this book, there are many events in the book that made me roll my eyes repeatidly. The main character, Kvothe, seems ridiculous as he is able to do anything. Basically Rothfuss made this character seem like a god who can do anything, has many jealous of his intelligent, and has many women wanting him.6/10 (2013-02-08)
Yasmin from Netherlands
I love both books! Can't wait for the third one :) but i have to say that the bar is pretty high now... difficult to like other books..:P10/10 (2012-10-14)
Kael from Canada
This book is amazing; as some have mentioned, it draws you in. Specially for those who have gone through tougher times, or less than ideal circumstances, who may be able to relate to Kvothe's pain and poverty; it really engages and enthralls you. Those people that get tired of Kvothe alluding to the fact that he's poor have probably never gone through similar circumstances. All I got to say on that.10/10 (2012-08-23)
Cedric from Netherlands
Amazing book, but sometimes repetetive. There are so many things in the books which aren't being written but you have to figure out yourself if you can, but does not matter much if you cannot. Great read for everyone!9/10 (2012-08-10)
James from Canada
How often do you find a story that is most likely going to be a tragedy so entertaining. It's also rare to have such a personal and intimate connection with the protagonist as the reader has with Kvothe. The writing was poetic and flowed so well even a dull section of the book (a rarity!) feels smooth. Kvothe's interaction with everyone around him was wonderful and even minor characters seem fully developed and important to the plot. A unique take on magic, heroism, fantasy writing and a must read for anyone who likes reading.10/10 (2012-07-14)
I have to say I really liked this book. I read it a few years ago, and just keep coming back to it. I really like the way that his story is told, and trying to understand how Kvothe went from the boy he was to the man he is in the book's present. I can understand why there are those that feel that the book isn't very good, but I think that for the first book in a trilogy it is very good. It sets up so many things for the next books, and I really love the writing. Read the book out loud, and you'll find that there are some beautiful phrases and placement of words, as if someone used to telling stories really is telling the story. Anyway, I think it's a book that can be enjoyed by many people.8/10 (2012-05-17)
CJ Twice from Atlanta
WOW - I can't imagine anyone saying this series is no good. Dude [Rothfuss] is a frigging fantasy wizard, and both this and book two are full of little clues and puzzles (he actually gives the ultra fan something to do while waiting for the next book). GE-NI-OUS!!! I can't wait for 'The Doors of Stone" - BTW all my guessing had me guessing this title only refers to the two Lackless doors at the Lackless estates and within the university archives. Upon further review, I believe the gray stones have to be included in that. Remember the folklore surrounding them 'they mark old roads/safe places' according to Kvothe, but Simon believes they bad things. Older cultures, who would understand them proper, would probably see them as a good thing [a way of escape from trouble], while those who don't understand them completely would only see them as dangerous, because they probably have learned to associate them with appearances by Fay creatures. Remember, Falurian suggests there are many doors to move between the mortal an Fayan realms for those who know how. I'd be willing to bet that both the University and Lackless estate are build on/around these stones [ we already know that one of these stones exists at the bridge near the university. That door in the archives must somehow lock this passageway. Furthermore one of those two doors [Lackless or university] must be locking away Alaxle 'Lax' the most powerful of the shapers (the one who stole the moon).10/10 (2012-05-08)
Jan from Antwerp, Belgium
I must say this was a very good book. But if I were to give word to one of the flaws in this book, it is that the main character - that is supposed to be a very smart guy - does really stupid things on many occasions. Still, worth reading though!7/10 (2012-03-27)
Antoine from Canada
Like many read this on a whim. Literally by the time you finish the first page - which was beautifully written - you ask yourself, how have I never heard of this before?10/10 (2012-03-01)
Mira from New Zealand
Patrick Rothfuss' is an incredible writer - these are the best books (fantasy or otherwise) I have read in a long long time.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Javier from Spain
Nice storytelling, that's it. I love this book, it is absorbent, easy to read, but at the end it seems to me like an empty book. It is an extensive intro that could be summarized in less than half of the book length.7/10 (2012-03-01)
Ashton from Australia
This is a fantastic novel. Allowing you to escape from your own world for a while is what a fictional novel is, but Rothfuss has taken this to a whole new level as The Name of the Wind actually draws you IN to the book. I laughed and cried with the main character which is something that most authors can only hope to achieve. This novel really is where the ordinary becomes extrordinary and the impossible becomes possible.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Dan from London
One of the best fantasy novels in decades. Engaging characters and a compelling plot. All those I have recommended it to have loved it.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Arham from Pakistan
One of my favorites as a young teen. Really pulls your heart.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Tom from Ohio
This is the kind of book you will read more than once. Great writing and a lead character that will stick with you.10/10 (2012-03-01)
James from Boston
A passionate, delightful book in every way. Perhaps not as technically polished as Martin or Hobb, but their equal for imagination and characterization. More than that, this is just a book that feels good to read on a snowy evening, fantasy in the old sense, a book that will envelop you and let you escape into a world that's just legendary enough to leave you craving more at the last page.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Jan from Germany
I have read it in 2 Languages more than 8 times. Definitely my favorite.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Peter from Netherlands
Best book ever! Couldn't put it away after the first 50 pages. My all time favourite!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Naru from Indonesia
I truly enjoyed this book, it is amazing. The plot keeps going on without ever failing to make me picture itself. Simply put, I couldn't stop myself reading this book until I finished it, and now that I did, I can't stop waiting and wanting the second book. Buy it, read it, you won't regret it.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Daniel from Tempe, AZ
I honestly come to a loss for words. All I can say is anyone who can even slightly enjoy a fantasy needs to read this book because it truly is fantastic. By page 100 I knew this book would instantly become one of my all time fav's.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Marie from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The language. The main character. The plot. What can I say? To understand the hype, you have to read the book. I've been promoting this book shamelessly among my friends and family. This book has EVERYTHING you could possibly want: romance, scientific facts, amazingly beautiful writing, magic... And, apparently, in the next book: sex. Buy this book. You won't regret it.9/10 (2012-03-01)
Leonie from Cumbria, UK
I bought this book on a whim, and I'm glad I did. The storytelling is absolutely effortless, and continues to engage you from start to finish. For a first book, it's as good as you can get, I only hope that the sequel can achieve as much. I read it cover to cover in under a day and then read it again, the only reason I gave it a 9/10 rating is so the sequel can get a 10/10 if it's better!9/10 (2012-03-01)
Henry from Fitchburg
Well I gave it a 8 because this is my first fantasy book I have ever read. All I've got to say is wow, this book keep my interested all the way through. There wasn't much in the way of epic battles or anything like that, but it was a well writtten story. Can't wait for the next book to come out.8/10 (2012-03-01)
Preita from California, USA
I think this book is just about as close to a 10 star rating as you can get. It's the first book that actually made me cry for the character. The writing is fluid and beautiful and though the story is a little tragic I can't wait for more.9/10 (2012-03-01)
9.5/10 from 59 reviews
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