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Into the Wild is the first book in the popular Warrior Cars series. The four Clans have shared the forest for generations but ThunderClan’s territory is in danger as the sinister and mysterious ShadowClan grows stronger each day. Enter Rusty, a domestic house cat who may turn out to be the greatest warrior of them all.
Into the Wild is a pleasant, easy read containing a strong central character ably surrounded by strong elder figures and good friends. The book contains an excellent list of characters and maps that make it easy to get up to speed with the world in which the cats live.
Into the Wild did occasionally remind me of the Harry Potter books, both in writing style and content. Rusty forms a firm friendship with an apprentice (warrior in training, more than six months old) called Greypaw, a longhaired solid grey tom. Greypaw adds the laughter to what is, when you really think about it, a rather gritty story. This friendship reminded me strongly of Harry on Ron when they first met in the Philosopher’s Stone. Cats such as Bluestar and Yellowfang form the older authority figures. These two characters reminded me of Dumbledore and Snape (though not too closely).
Rusty looked at Smudge. His black and white friend had never shown any interest in venturing into the woods. He was perfectly content living with house folk. He would never understand the restless longing that Rusty’s dreams stirred in him night after night.
From: Into the Wild - Chapter: 3
The pace of Into the Wild is very quick, always moving and never getting bogged down. Erin Hunter does not spare the reader from the grim realities of living in the wild, the eating habits are grisly and death is a prospect that the cats face every single day of their existence. I liked the way the book was able to give you that stomach-churning feeling when somebody is doing something that they really shouldn’t be doing and are going to be caught at any moment. I think this is a really important element to have in young adults book and this is a feeling that all can relate too.
The author also touches upon the effect that humans, or Twolegs as they are called here, are having upon the environment in which wild animals live. I liked the way in which this was done, facts were stated but there was never a sense of the preaching that some authors are guilty of, Erin Hunter never speaks down to the reader. A great deal of research has obviously gone into making the cats and their environment as realistic as possible and this really shows in Into the Wild.
They arrived at the Thunderpath and halted. Several monsters roared by, throwing up fountains of dirty water. The two cats hung back from the edge of the wide, grey track until there was a gap. Then they raced across the path and into ShadowClan territory.
From: Into the Wild - Chapter: 22
This book is aimed at the young adult age-group and everything the could possible want from a book is there for them, a young hero taken from their comfortable surroundings and having to adapt to a new way of life, the solid friend, the elders deserving respect and most of all constant excitement and adventure.
Any young adult that loves reading and loves cats will love this book, a fast-paced adventure starring the feline Harry Potter.
Review by Floresiensis
46 positive reader review(s) for Into the Wild
46 positive reader review(s) in total for the Warrior Cats series
Star from StarClan
These books are the best books you shall ever read, it is about cats surviving in the wild, hunting, territory and protecting one another. It may be a bit scary at some points, but it I assure you is all realistic. I particularly like the prophicies and the mysterious parts of the book, as well as the great journeys (the great journey, finding midnight...). Honestly, I dont think that theres anything I don't like about the series. Overall, I think that these books are the best books you shall ever read so that's why I gave these books 10 out of 10!10/10 (2021-04-10)
Thunderpaw from ThunderClan
Best books EVER! (Should totally read them).10/10 (2021-04-10)
Elizabeth from Emgland
I think these series are amazing, I know they have blood and all but I assure you, it is overall an amazing books!10/10 (2021-04-10)
Shari from Australia
Its a great book, with many interesting bits. But as the series goes on you realize that all the main characters have the same personality... Still they were amazing books from my childhood memories!10/10 (2020-03-16)
Pickle from PickleRickClan from The lake
Best book everrrrr!!!!!!!10/10 (2020-01-30)
Bagle Pawwww from Bagle Clan
Best book ever, all cats agree hands-down!10/10 (2019-09-04)
Tudor from SkyClan
Please read this, it's just too good.10/10 (2019-06-26)
JayFeather from Thunderclan
I Love this book, i cannot put it down10/10 (2019-05-31)
Redheart from thunderclan
The best books ever cannot put them down and I love all the characters especially firepaw/heart/star.You are NEVER too old for these books and they NEVER get boring10/10 (2019-04-29)
Anonymous from Anonymous
Best book ever! Not to mention that I believe it relates to real life too. Fireheart is like a child born with autism because he was born a kittypet. He cannot change it, but even so he cannot change how bully’s treat him (Longtail). But in the end he became a warrior, trained by Bluestar, and made a friend named Graystripe! Plus Erin Hunter writes the book beautifully. This is a edge of seat novel perfect for young readers 9 to 12 years old. This book is a amazing classic that will always be on my bookshelf. I don’t even know the words to explain how awesome this book is. Thank StarClan I have Into the Wild!10/10 (2019-04-25)
Moon Fur from Thunderclan
I love it but its not my favorite one.10/10 (2019-03-12)
Spiceheart from UK
Warrior cats are the best kind of book to read for all cat lovers, even if you don't like to read, you will instantly fall in love with the books. Most people probably imagine this series to be about cats killing others and don't want to read them cause they don't appreciate cats dying.10/10 (2019-02-26)
Abie from United Kingdom
This book is an ABSOLUTE must-have, must-read, and I love reading it. It's one of those books that you just eant to read over again. The first book is by far the best of all of them.10/10 (2019-02-10)
Elsa from Hk
The book is awesome,I like fir heart and bluestar a lot.They are really brave and loyal to the clan.I am now reading Warriors the new prophecy #4 starlight,it is so touching and interesting.10/10 (2018-12-21)
Alex from USA
Omg best book 90000 stars.10/10 (2018-10-10)
Meow! ;3 from US
MEOW!!! ;310/10 (2018-09-06)
Marie kiss from Washington, America.
I have read every single warrior book I could get my hands on! I started reading these books when I was 12, I am currently 17 and am still reading them! I've already read all the books once and am currently rereading them. I'm so happy and thankful for these books. They have helped me in so many ways. They have been there for me when no one else was, they were(and still are) my friends. I love every single character!(even the evilest and baddest characters.. *coughs*TigerClaw/Star*coughs*) They truly are a wonderful collection of books. I hope to read them to my own children one day. I can't wait to see them fall in love (and hate with a fiery passion!... Jk jk if they like the bad guys I won't care. To each their own.) with all of the characters as I did(and still do.. and probably will forever.. no not 'probably' I will love them forever. I own almost all of the books I just need to get a few more super editions, mangas, and field guides, oh plus the new books that have just recently been released! ALSO ******VERY IMPORTANT****** I do not agree with people saying these books are for children and children alone. These books are amazing and are a great read for any TRUE reader. (Shots fired.. lolz) These books (in my opinion) are for the ages 9-10 to 100 years of age. Don't be afraid to live a little! Read a book that most "adults" wouldn't read because it's for "children" Damn ever person who thinks that there's an age limit to a good book! Anyway may starclan forever and always light your path.10/10 (2018-06-11)
Birchleaf from ThunderClan
Birchleaf purred. 'This is the best series ever,' she thought, and curled up in her den with a flashlight and Warriors book.10/10 (2018-05-22)
Modesty from US
My best friends convinced me to start reading Warriors, and I totally loved them. They're quick reads, but are full of action and drama. There is violence and death, though, so if you dislike those two things in books, I don't suggest you read Warriors, since those two subjects are part of the cats' every-day lives. Best books ever!!!!10/10 (2018-05-21)
Anon from UK
This book is a great read for people who love cats as much as me. This book is amazing I enjoyed reading it so much!10/10 (2018-04-27)
Rosie from NZ
LOVE LOVE LOVE!10/10 (2018-03-20)
Addison from Kentucky, USA
This is an AWESOME book, I really like it. One of my friends encouraged me to read it and I LOVE the whole series.10/10 (2018-02-08)
Gracie from America
An amazing read! I read this in the 5th grade and was instantly hooked. There is good characters, plot, and all of that. It’s a great way to start off the series for sure!10/10 (2018-01-14)
Ash from Melbourne, Australia
Tigerclaw is bad.10/10 (2017-08-21)
Flinchingdragon from the Milky Way Galaxy
It's okay. 0-0. Picked this book up when I was seven and was instantly hooked. ( I DON'T recommend this ppl under 9-year olds, though. It's violent and will give any 9-year olds nightmares.)10/10 (2017-07-10)
Rookspirit from UK
The book is great read! The life of a wild cat is portrayed excellently and the main character is made to be relatable and perfect as the reader enters the world blind like him. We learn all about the Clans with the main character and honestly the further you read the more intrigued in the story you get! I most definitely recommend.10/10 (2017-04-03)
Katie from England
YES JUST READ IT ITS AMAZING10/10 (2017-02-20)
Anna from Canada
These are my favourite books! I love them, but a little violent, but after you get used to it's okay.10/10 (2016-09-18)
Emma from England
An amazing start to the series , I am on the fourth book and I have noticed that the tension gets better and better. I really suggest buying this book and it's a great read for those who are between the ages of 10 and 16. Keep Reading 😺10/10 (2014-07-13)
Kameron from Califorina
AWESOME BOOK!!!!!!!!!10/10 (2014-04-25)
Alyssa from Florida
I am already in Omen of the Stars and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the Warrior Cats series. I am playing several RPGs and so far my fav book in Warriors is... (drum roll please) INTO THE WILD!!! *PS, I recommend the website http://warriorcatsandmore.webs.com/ if you are a WARRIOR CATS FAN!!!*10/10 (2012-11-07)
Brandon from Arizona
I am into the second book and it already is awesome i cant stop reading!!! "MEOW"10/10 (2012-10-29)
Janne from USA
AMAZING10/10 (2012-10-29)
Alicia from California
This book is so amazing and even though I have finished the series I still can't stop reading them over and over!!! Any one who hasn't read this book you HAVE to go to the library and check it out!!!10/10 (2012-09-18)
Trentin Edwards from Indiana
BEST BOOK EVER!!!! :) I'm loving it so far xD10/10 (2012-09-10)
Mooy from England
Moooooooooooooooo I10/10 (2012-03-01)
Gabriel from San Diego
"MMEEOOWW!!" mewed Gabestar10/10 (2012-03-01)
Rainclaw from ThunderClan
THIS. IS. THE. BEST. SERIES. EVER! I've read every single one in the series that's come out and now I'm waiting for the next one! I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone. When you start, you can't stop! The first 'sub-series' is kinda light-hearted, but the books get more serious... LOVE IT! PS. Erin Hunter is actually four people writing!9/10 (2012-03-01)
Marie from Washington
I9/10 (2012-03-01)
Maddie from Rohan!! (LOTR lova!) :)
Good. But now it seems boring, I guess cause it is, well, the series has like 40 books and is very repetitive.8/10 (2012-03-01)
Grace from Thailand
When I was young, like 13, I loved these series... But later on, like now, it becomes quite boring. I'm not saying that it's not a good book; it's just that when you get older, it's not realistic enough. If you're going to read it, finish the series before your heart cools down from excitement. I waited too long to read another, then another. BUT it's still a great book. Hope you enjoy it.8/10 (2012-03-01)
Bagelstar from Georgia
It was amazing, with lots of unique chracters and plot twists to keep the story moving. I've gotten several other people interested, and I've not yet finished with them.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Icetalon from England
This book is the first in the Warrior Cats series and let me tell u this it is the most fabulous book series I have ever read!!!!! EAT DUST HARRY POTTER!!!!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Victoria from Marrion
I love Warriors, it is so cool!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Naomi from Lewiston, ID
Warriors rocks!!!! Go Erin Hunter! She has inspired me a whole lot! I love cats now!!!!!!!!!!!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Trinity from Fall branch
A great book that anyone will love. I can't stop reading them. If I can't find anything to do I pick up a "Warriors" book and start reading. Erin Hunter makes the cats come to life and act out a daily life that you might not think a cat would do. Anyone who loves to read "Harry Potter" will love to read "Warriors".10/10 (2012-03-01)
Rachel from Woodstock
I liked this book because it was never boring and didn't worship humans. It was about cats, from a cats point of view, and a book for cat lovers. The cats don't look up to humans and don't depend on them for food. They hunt for the clan and fight to defend it.10/10 (2012-03-01)
Anna from Perth
Warriors are my favourite books; a thrilling series that will keep you turning pages until the very end. Absolutely fantastic!!! Great characters and original storyline! Loved it!!!10/10 (2012-03-01)
Manda from New York
Into the Wild... Love it!10/10 (2012-03-01)
9.9/10 from 50 reviews
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