Top 100 Fantasy Books Of All Time
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Teel James Glenn is a native of Brooklyn though he's traveled the world for thirty years as a Stuntman/ Fight choreographer/ Swordmaster, Jouster, Book Illustrator, Storyteller, Bodyguard and Actor. He was head instructor at the Hollywood Stunts professional stunt training center in New York and teaches stage sword privately. He is a veteran of forty-seven renaissance faires, scores of films (such as Lord of the G-Strings and Jersey Justice) and hundreds of T.V. appearances. Currently he stars as the masked cage fighter Vega (with a Castilian accent) in the international web series Street Fighter: the Later Years and in the forth coming T.V. sequel Street Fighter: Reunion and plays the claymore wielding Scottish pirate Hamish(with a Galsgow (sic) accent) in the forthcoming pirate feature film The High Seas. At home he speaks pure gibberish. His greatest achievement however, is his awesome daughter Aislin Rose who is well spoken indeed.
He has had stories and articles printed in scores of magazines from Mad to Black Belt and Fantasy Tales and a number of books published: four in the Altiva fantasy saga: Tales of a Warrior Priest (an anthology), and Death at Dragonthroat, The Daemonhold Curse and Sister Warrior are available from ePress-Onlne as well as the mysteries A Hex of Shadows, Knight Errant :Death and Life at the Faire , and the science fiction Vision Quest Factor. He also has the non fiction book on the craft Them's Fightin' Words: A Writers Guide to Writing Fight Scenes from the same publisher. Whiskey Creek Press is The Exceptionals Science Fiction Adventure series :#1 The Measure of a Man and #2 Across the Wasteland.
Looking for great fantasy books? Take a look at the 100 pages we rate highest
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Our fantasy books of the year, from 2006 to 2021